Part 21

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 Keeley made her way to the stand where the rackets hung. It was sitting in the corner of the gym by the door into the school's main hallway, the locker room across the way. She reached for one of the rackets; it had blue tape wrapped around its handle. Before she took it off the rack, she glanced out the door toward the locker room. She contemplated slipping out discreetly and hiding by her gym locker until class ended. Keeley thought out her whole plan in her head; she would turn to see if anyone was looking, then walk slowly out the door to not attract any eyes, and if she got caught, she could say she was going to the bathroom. But she wasn't prone to skipping class. Keeley had never skipped a class, but she couldn't handle being in P.E. today, so she walked herself through her plan and snuck into the locker room. Once inside, she sat on one of the benches between the rows of lockers and didnt make a sound. She could hear the squeaks of sneakers against the gym floor and the high-pitched tweets of the teacher's whistle. Having nothing to do, she zoned on while focusing on those sounds.

Meanwhile, without Keeley noticing, the gym teacher came into the locker room along with Saanvi. "Keeley! are you skipping my class?" the teacher bellowed angrily. Keeley startled out of her stupor and turned wide-eyed at her teacher and Saanvi, who smugly smiled back at her. "Saanvi told me she saw you come in here," the teacher said "it is very disrespectful toward me to skip my class. Go to the principles office" the mention of the principles office sent Keeley's mind spiraling; She had never gotten in trouble before, not significantly. Keeley was quiet and well-mannered and had time to do well academically because she did not have friends to go out with. But she followed her teacher's directions and made her way out of the locker room and down the hallway to the principles office, her mind wondering but her legs moving in the right direction, like a robot programmed to do so. Once she reached the principles office, she sat down in a chair in the main office by the principal's secretary, her walky-talky made a faint beeping found, and she answered. From Keeley's distance, it was hard to hear what the person on the other side of the call was saying, but she could tell it was her gym teacher calling in her incriminating actions. The secretary pressed a button, muting her end of the walky-talky, "Are you Keeley Moore?" she asked, now turned to face Keeley, "mhm," she hummed nervously. The secretary took her finger off the mute button and spoke into the walky-talky. "She's here," she confirmed before ending the call. She stood up from her desk and walked through the door of the principles office to let her know she had a student to meet while Keeley sat, her legging bouncing up and down to focus her mind on something other than the situation she was in.

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