"Intense flirting."

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"Izuku why did you leave me?" Katsuki asked, walking up to Midoriya, who was in the kitchen cooking. He set the pan down, turning to Katsuki, who was now right next to him, hugging him from behind. "Wah.. Kacchan, I'm making breakfast, why don't you go and wait. ." Izuku started before being interrupted, "I'll die without you." Katsuki said bluntly, Izuku held in a small laugh.

"Uwahh. . Kacchan, don't say that!" Faded blush came upon Izuku's face. A little bit later, "Uraraka - san, would you be surprised if I told you Kacchan was the more affectionate one?" Izuku asked, "Yes.. a lot, Actually!" Uraraka replied, on the phone. "Well, he's actually the one who gives flowers. . gifts, and well- kisses." Meanwhile, on the other side. Uraraka was fangirling over BKDK.

I dunno how I do that too, I just. . CAN'T FLIRT WITH KACCHAN, "I feel bad, I don't want him to think I don't care enough to do the same, I mean. . I love him with all my heart, but. . How in the world am I supposed to flirt back?!" 

Izuku was whisper - yelling in their room, where Katsuki was alseep. Knocked out, not even someone's scream would wake him up. "Can't you give me some. . hit lines! or anything." Izuku asked, "You want me to hire an assassin?" Ochako said, jokingly, "WHA-- NO! Uraraka - san, please!" 

"Hm.. is Bakugo - kun into.. y'know!~" Ochako teased, "I'd rather not talk about it." Izuku said nervously,  "He's shy, about that--" He said back to her, "I doubt that, uh, anyways! Why don'tcha try this. . ." It had been about 2-3 hours since Katsuki had fallen back asleep, he'd turned over onto his back and his sleeping mask was above his head, He slightly opened his eyes to see Izuku.. He stared in confused, and furrowed a brow.

Izuku was wearing a light pink croptop with a white cat in the middle of it, fairly short shorts and standing there in the middle of the bed infront of Katsuki. "What are you wearing, Cupcake?" Katsuki asked, genuinely confused, "I don't know either. . ." Izuku admitted, "No offense, Cupcake.. but you look terrible," katsuki said, looking away.

"You really are different Kacchan," Izuku sighed, smiling slightly. A Few Minutes Later, Izuku was now wearing a hoodie that had the word.. "DYNAMITE!" Written on it with a small explosion next to the E, "Do you like it?" Izuku asked, smiling. Katsuki was a bright red, and immediately hugged Izuku. Izuku smiled, "I still have to find other ways to flirt though.." he thought to himself,

Searching it up  >>>
"How to flirt......"

"Wah.. I'm not so sure about this, should I give up?" Izuku mumbled, "No! that's not Plus Ultra, I have to do this. . For Kacchan!" He reassured himself, smiling. 

5 Minutes Later..

"Izuku, are you in her--" Katsuki walked into the bedroom, calling out for Midoriya. But there was no response as he was cut off and shocked. "Hey, Kacchan!~"

"Izuku.. why do you have a.. "How to flirt," Signs on your shirt..?" Katsuki asked, staring blankly. "Because Kacchan, I.. I don't know how to flirt, okay!" Izuku said, clearly embarrassed. "This explains why your search history was, how to flirt for beginners.." Katsuki said, before turning around. "And take that suit off, you look so damn flashy.. also," Katsuki said quietly. "You're enough."  Izuku eyes shimmered. As he flushed a crimson red. "OKAY!!" 

Izuku nodded, "Wait.. Kacchan, YOU SAW MY SEARCH HISTORY?!"

BKDK/DKBK RANDOM SKITS, STORIES <3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora