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Midoriya looked wild, he was floating in the air thanks to Ochako who was freaking out. Denki was beside her, yelling. "WHO GAVE MIDORIYA ALCOHOL?!" He yelled, running out the kitchen as Asui ran in, concerened. In the other half of the kitchen, Kirishima was sweating like crazy. He had a really stupid looking face aswell.. almost as if he was stuck smiling.

"..Who could've done this? Aren't we a bit too young for those kinds of things?" Momo stood beside him, Iida was overeating a bit. Yelling at everyone, trying to get the situation under control.  "..Ah, Kirishima - kun? are you alright?" She asked, noticing how much he was sweating.

"..What's with all the fuss today?!" Katsuki yelled, walking down over to the commotion, only to see Midoriya running wild around the Kitchen. While mostly everyone was trying to catch him and freaking out, "What the fuck?.." Katsuki paused, as he stared at everyone in confusion.

"BAKUGOU - KUN, HELP US!" Ochako yelled, finally catching Deku again and making him float. "WHY ME, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!?" He yelled, assuming Ochako and Denki had done this, but no.. the culprit was obviously Kirishima. 

A few minutes later..

Deku was standing infront of Katsuki, he had his tongue sticking out at him and he looked dazed. "..OI, SNAP OUTTA IT!" Katsuki yelled, slapping him. "YOU LOOK STUPID AS HELL!"  He continued to yell, as the rest of the class watched. Trying to see if it'd work. "..Wahhh, so mean Kacchan."  Deku tried acting sad.

"..IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE MY DAD!!" He yelled in defense, slapping Bakugou's hand away from him. "WELL, IT'S NOT LIKE I HAD ONE ANYWAY. BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT!!" Katsuki almost bursted out laughing when Deku said that, "..So uhh, you got anymore of that juice?" Izuku asked, smiling happily. He was using the counter for support, if he let go he might collapse instantly.

"Deku, no."  Katsuki said, staring at him. "HOW DARE YOUU?!" Deku yelled, acting as if he'd just been betrayed. "..I'll just find it myself!" He said proudly, turning away from katsuki.

A few hours later..

"Do you think Deku is sober now?" Ochako asked Momo, as the two girls walked down the road to the dorms. "Surely, let's go check!" Momo answered, smiling at the shorter girl. Ochako nodded, as the two of them sped up and eventually reached the dorms. Walking over to the kitchen. "Deku - kun?" Ochako yelled slightly, as she then came to a stop.

When she saw..

Bakugou was looked VERY flustered, Deku had lipstick in his hand and all over his mouth, You could see the visible lipstick marks on Katsuki's face. He was completely red. "Hah, that showed you who's boss!" Deku yelled proudly. Katsuki didn't answer. He was frozen solid and then he collapsed, Deku looked down at the ground. Staring at the blonde, before he passed out too.

Get it ig, Deku. 

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