"Can I eat you instead??"

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Enjoy, ily <3

Katsuki was walking through the dorms, before walking into the kitchen. It still had dirty dishes, and rags all over the counter. "The Kitchen isn't clean.." His facial expression grew angry, "And who was supposed to clean it? Deku!" He was still upset, but saying Deku he slightly blushed, trying to act happy and alright.

"And who's gonna get an earful from me? D e k u!" He thought, obviously annoyed. "DEKU.. GET DOWN HERE FOR A SECOND!" Katsuki yelled, obviously annoyed and trying to sound sweet. "Coming Kacchan!" Izuku yelled back, walking over to the kitchen. Then realizing it was still a mess. He paused, slightly scared. But he continued to smile.

"I had the best sleep ever!~" He said happily, putting his hands on his hips. "So. . . are we gonna eat now, Kacchan? I'm so hungry." Izuku said slightly tired, his stomach grumbled a bit. "Say. . Deku, what do you think ABOUT EATING DIRT IN THE KITCHEN. I thought I told you to clean it?!" Katsuki yelled, Izuku turned completely white.

Terrified. "YOU LAZY LITTLE SHIT!" Katsuki kept yelling, gaining the class's attention, as they all watched Izuku get scolded. "AND YOU'RE WHAT?! HUNGRY?!"

Izuku paused for a moment, thinking before he went back to his usual smile. "Well. . . yes! I'm hungry, starving in fact!" That only made Katsuki more irritated, as Izuku walked closer to him, Backing him up into the wall.

"But instead of food. . ." Izuku started off, trying to make a sweet sounding voice. Katsuki just glared at him, the rest of the class staring, clearly amused. "Can't I eat you instead?" Katsuki stared at him, before leaning down slightly and smiling.

"No!" He said happily, "Now clean the fucking kitchen." Izuku stood there, "KACCHAN WHYY!" He yelled, the class bursting out into laughter. As they'd just watched Izuku get rejected, "Poor Deku - kun, he really thought he'd get away with it." Ochako said to Iida, "MIDORIYA! THAT WAS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE!" Iida yelled. "I'M SORRY IIDA - KUN, I JUST DON'T WANNA CLEAN THE KITCHEN NOW, I'M STARVING!!" Izuku cried. "CLEAN THE FUCKING KITCHEN!" Katsuki yelled from across the room. "

Silly Izuku, he really thought he could get away with it!
Stay hydrated! Ilysm.

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