"Quirk Malfunctions,"

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"Everyone outside for training, be there in five minutes. Nothing more." Aizawa said tiredly, "Yes sir!" The class yelled, as they all began to stand up. Katsuki sat there for a moment, he felt this excruciating pain in his head, there was a ringing in his ear and he was sweating nonstop. What was wrong with him?

"Hey, Bakugo! You coming man?" Kirishima and Mina stood in the doorway, waving him over as he finally stood up, slightly stumbling but managing to catch his balance. His friends noticed and began to worry slightly.

On the way to the changing rooms, they began chatting while Katsuki was feeling like he was in a sauna, the ringing got louder. Much louder, it hurt his ears as he began to cover them. Wincing at the slight pain he felt. "Bakugou? Are you alright..?" Jirou noticed how he was beig oddly quiet, and kept covering his ears. He also had visible sweat dripping down his forehead,

He only nodded, before he sprinted off towards the changing rooms.

Once everyone had gotten there, most of them were already changing. Just chatting with their friends, Midoriya and Todoroki were having their own conversation, "Todoroki - kun? Have you talked to Kacchan today?" Todoroki shook his head, and Midoriya just stared, watching Katsuki exit the changing room. He looked much more pale, he was sweating a lot and he kept covering his ears.

After everyone had changed, they were standing outside. "You will all be doing one on one fights, to notice each other's weaknesses and strengths. You're partners wil be assigned," Half the class sighed, it was way too early for this. "..Yes sir!" Aizawa took flashcards out of his pocket. "Bakugou.. and Midoriya, Ashido and Denki.. Sero and Kirishima, Todoroki and Momo.." As he called out all of the teams, they all got together with their partner as Aizawa finished up the list.

"Kacchan? are you alright? You're sweating.. a lot." Midoriya gave Katsuki a worried expression, "I..I'm fine, fuck off dipshit." Katsuki said quietly, his voice sounded horse, obviously something wasn't right. As the teams began to fight, Midoriya got into his fighting stance. And Katsuki did the same.

His hand sparked, but it wasn't purposely, it burned. It made his hand ache in pain, his head started pounding. His ears were ringing and there was steam emanating off of him. "..Kacchan?" Midoriya said, tapping him but it burned his hand. "I feel like I'm boiling.. this ringing in my ears, fuck." Katsuki muttered, shutting his eyes and covering his ears. Momo ran over, along with Iida. They were all concerned for Katsuki.

A few minutes had passed.. before.

"BOOM!" A loud explosion erupted from Katsuki, it burned him badly. His quirk was out of control his hand was creating large explosions by itself, as he went flying. "KACCHAN!" Midoriya yelled, "SOMEONE GET SENSEI!" Iida yelled, as Momo ran over to their teacher. 

He began bleeding, as the ground was being destroyed, Katsuki was there. He had no control over his quirk, as he yelled in pain. Aizawa ran over, activating his quirk the explosions stopped. And there was Katsuki through all the dirt and dust. He laid there, helpless.

Aizawa was speechless, what happened? Midoriya covered his mouth, staring at Katsuki wide - eyed, the explosions were.. still going off? somewhat, they were much smaller. His hand was sparking, Katsuki was unconscious though, how was that possible? 

A few hours later..

Most of the class were sitting in the main room, chatting about what they thought happened to Bakugou, Midoriya had on headphones and was asleep on the couch, he'd been crying his eyes were red. Ochako tried to comfort him, but was failing pretty badly.

"Will Bakugou be alright..?" Kirishima asked, Denki was trying to comfort him, but was probably failing too. "I'm sure he'll be alright guys!" Mina smiled, Momo walked over with tea for everyone. And Asui walked over with a blanket for Midoriya, as he was asleep. "Here you go everyone, some tea to lighten up our moods a bit!-" She had a bad habit of making people tea whenever they were nervous or tense, mostly upset though. 

The door bursted open, Katsuki stepped into the dormway, he had bandages on his arms and face. "BAKUGOU!" Kirishima yelled happily, Katsuki had headphones on, his ears were still slightly sensitive to loud noises. So he wouldn't be able to use his quirk for a while.

"Bakugou - kun? What happened?" He turned, obviously he heard Uraraka. But he just rolled his eyes and sat down next to Deku, who was slowly waking up. "..Kacchan?" He shifted his head, only to see crimson eyes staring at him. Blinking, "WHAAAAA!- KACCHAN YOUR OKAY?!" Izuku yelled, obviously shocked. "..No shit." Katsuki muttered, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Izuku yelled, the rest of the class ran down and sat on the couches or the floors waiting for a response.

"Something called a quirk Malfunction, and.. stop screaming dumbass." Katsuki said, adjusting the headphones that helped the ringing stop. "Sorry Bakugou, But what's a quirk malfunction?"
Iida asked, very confused. "I couldn't control my quirk, that's what. I could've.. died, and would've died." He muttered the rest, Izuku stared at him wide-eyed, hearing the last bit. "Kacchan.." Izuku said quietly, the rest of the class stared at Katsuki. 

"KACCHAN COULD'VE DIED?!" Izuku began crying again, yelling.

Kacchan will be okay
Silly Katsuki, get a hold of your quirk! </3

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