Chapter 11

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Thankfully the people who are holding us captive aren't as cruel as I thought they'd be. Not long after the girl left, I was given a cup with a straw.

She held it out and I took big gulps of the refreshing liquid. I guess they wanted me alive for some unknown reason. I felt weak, like unusually weak. I can't explain it.

Like when you do lots of sport and then later you can barely stand? That type of weak. I've never been physically weak before. Emotionally and mentally, yes I have been that weak.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the cold concrete wall, thinking about how we're going to get out of this mess. Eventually the abyss of darkness takes me and I welcome it.

** days later **

I felt better, a lot better. I could actually move and talk. I felt more alive.

That feeling was short lived when the bolts and locks began to click and move. Someone was coming, the alpha.

He walks in with a whip and malicious smile. I was still too weak to take on a trained alpha but I could down his minions if they came.

"Feeling better, Gabrielle?", He spat, smiling evilly at me.

I ignored his tone and replied "Much better, thanks for asking".

I smiled still ignoring the fact that he looked like he wanted to snap me in half and eat me for breakfast.

"How about your pup? Is it good?", He walks closer to me. I let out a deafening growl and Im sure my eyes are the colour of night. I don't look at Zach but I could feel the rage rolling off of him.

The Alpha stretches the whip out and give me one last glare before whip it into my abdomen. I don't scream, I will not let him have that satisfaction. This sick b*stard is trying to kill my unborn child.

"I'm Alpha Peters, by the way", He swings the whip back at me. Again it strikes me and I don't scream. I'm not sure how many whippings I can take before something bad happens to my child.

I hear Zach yelling curse words at him, telling him how evil this was. I knew he was trying to stall and no matter what he did, the alpha didn't stop.

He struck again and again and again. Until he'd hit me about 10 times. I was raging on the inside but was perfectly calm on the outside. Pain seared through me but I refused to show it.

I felt bad for Zach because he was watching his first unborn pup be killed in front of him. Plus he could feel my pain that I was trying so hard to contain.

The alpha suddenly stops as the girl from before steps in. I didn't take too much notice of her before but this time I look.

She was brown hair tied back in a high pony tail and brown eyes. Her skin was tan and her legs were long. She was dressed in black and holding a knife.

Alpha Peters held me against the wall and the girl untied me. I wasn't sure what was going on but I was too weak to stop them.

Once I was untied the alpha let me drop to the ground, which wasn't far but I had nothing to soften the landing. I hit the ground on my side, with a grunt. I glared at them.

Alpha Peters sat me up and grabbed the knife from the girl.

"Say goodbye to your pup"

Sorry for not updating guys.....

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