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To my mother, I wish you had been there.
To my father, I wish you didn't abandon me.
To my grandparents I'm sorry and I love you.
To my brothers I'm sorry I wasn't there when our stepdad was beating on you, I'll never forgive myself.
To my sisters, I'm sorry for the trauma you endured.
To my lovers, I'm sorry for the pain I inflicted upon you when I was trying to fix myself.
To my children, a million things to say, but know that I love you more than the entire world and you're the only reason I've hung on for this long.
To my friends... it's been a long adventure, hasn't it? Sorry that I'm ending my path prematurely.
To the world, fuck you. You're cruel you're dark, you're suffering I wouldn't wish on anyone. You're a black hole of pity and uncaring ideals. You're darkness within the dark. You're mean-spirited, you're chaotic, and you're demeaning.
I sit here with a million ideas whirling through my mind. A gun would be quick and likely easiest, but there's a chance of survival that I couldn't bear. A knife bears the same problem. Pills never seem to work, and I've tried to overdose on every drug imaginable. Always back I come to this desolate wasteland of my heart.
I have yet to find the perfect way to end it all, but one day I will.
Until then I sit here, cold, hollow; empty. Scarcely a day goes by that I don't wish death upon myself.

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