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I'm always grinding, gott hot hustle in my bloodstream
I can't fail even when I'm failing
With my last gasp of air I breathe my passion
And I can't quit until I'm at the top
If it kills me I'll keep working to the top floor
If you can't hang there's the door
I may be sad but I'm not gonna quit
I may want to die but I'm not finished yet
One day I'll be among the stars
And even then I can't quit. I can't stop
Enough is never enough I'm hungry
And all the food on the earth can't fill my spirit
Nothing but being the best will fill me
So I said this once and I'll say it once more
I'm going to be the very best
Like Ash Ketchum and nobody could ever compete
I'm gonna be on top, always getting better
Proving my power like I'm a saiyan warrior
I may fall and be beaten,
But I'll never lay down and quit
The end is never near so long as I'm on the bottom
I ain't drake, I really started from the bottom
And I'm gonna get there.

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