prison eyes

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I'm locked behind my own eyes
My pride roars down the hall ahead of me
I'm a prisoner to my own tears
I watch you scream and cry and do the same as me
I see us breaking the earth quaking the rocks trembling as our rage consumes an entire household around us.
A single tear drops from both of our souls. Souls still entwined and very much in love but they can't be because we won't let them be.
Your words cut me deeper than any knife has ever dated
My words linger and crush you for weeks building more anger and hatred in a home built on pure love.
I'm smothering myself dampening my soul to make you happy and I know that it's too late but God dammit I'm fucking trying. I scream and lash out. I slit my wrists down the middle and bleed out. I panic when I lose.
I hate to lose and so do you. So in lieu of winning we both suffer the other cutting as deep as we can and we hate it but we can't quit it because we still see the love they was there. Not the twisted monster we have become.

I'll always love you and you to me as well. But we must slay our demons and work together and that's not something I think we can do right now. We are both too weary behind these prison eyes.

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