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Why have you abandoned me once again. My love of darkness pulled me too close to your thorns as they made me bleed upon the ground.
I cut myself thinking of you. I spit blood upon the ground when I spoke your name. My angel. My demon. My heart. My ache. My every nothing all in one. You hold in your hands my beating black heart, and you cannot return it as I've no place for it now. You've torn my body with your words and scarred my throat with your tears and yet now I weep a mess upon the ground sobs echoing into the night from the hurt within my chest. If looks could kill you and I would never be able to meet each other eye to eye for an eye was taken and now we are blind. Slamming doors and words torn from our throats in anger we fall upon the rose bed covered in scratches but still hanging on for what remains of a shallow life. Cry not for the rose as who knows it has thorns. Cry for the beetle who cannot see them coming. Death pours upon my empty cup overflowing in its sweet embrace. I could die right now. But dare I give you the pleasure?

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