is it real

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Tell me. Am I imagining when our fingers linger together but a moment as you tell me it's my turn in the game we play?
Tell me is it real when your gaze catches mine and lingers just a second longer than it should?
You're the one taken lead in this dance we dance around this ballroom of life
Does your heart flutter for mine?
I see your eyes a hint of jealousy when I speak to her. Is that real?
Do I imagine these things because they are what I want? Or they are what is?
Tell me do you still want me and don't be shy no don't hide your words for this could be our final chance before all that is done becomes undone.
Tell me what you want. Tell me is it real? These feelings can't be more then just fanciful ideas of a broken heart no? You said we are done.
So why do you let your hand graze mine as we talk alone in a room of our own making a bed we cannot lie in when the others see us here.
Tell me the truth for the lies are tired and must be laid to rest.
This is our last chance tell me the truth. If you want me is it real and if it's real do you want me?

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