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When I lied for so long
I finally told the truth only to be called a liar
I finally told the truth and it didn't make a difference
I'm tired to my core of all the things I can't speak on
No longer do I die with my secrets I've born them all to your judgmental eye.
And yet when the truth finally crashes in and is supposed to vindicate me you only choose to doubt me
I'm so tired of being doubted. I've sold a thousand truths to ease your mind and you deny each and every one of them as a falsehood. But I'm finally telling the truth. I can't stand being this alone.
I'm sorry I ever lied but now that I don't speak those soft words anymore and I only shout the truth from my rooftop you deny me my existence.
So I'm sorry that the truth isn't what you thought it was but it's the truth and I showed it to you once and for all. Take me or leave me I no longer have a say in your choice. I can only keep telling the truth until you realize it for what it is
My desperate attempt to reconnect with you is me telling you the truth now even after I didn't for so long. But you no longer leave the connection open, so I can't get through and it's my own fault.

Always tell the truth so you don't end up like me. A liar who changed his ways and still died alone with a knife in the heart for finally telling the truth.

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