my choice

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If I was given a choice I'd choose you
But I wasn't.
If I was given a fucking choice I'd choose us
But I wasn't.
If I didn't want to die would you love me more?
If I didn't hate myself so fucking much would you?
I watch you turn your back on me and all I can do is scream.
In my head I'm falling apart but I gotta stay strong for you
Because even though I wasn't given a choice i still choose you every second of every day.
You can call and I'll come running doesn't matter what I'm doing. Or where I am
My choice is you. Every day. So even though I don't have a choice right now, you should know that I'm right here waiting.
I don't believe in promises like I used to, and I don't believe in fate. But I believe you and I are meant to be.
So that's my choice if given one.
Always remember I choose you.

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