i dont use

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I don't use heroin anymore
But sometimes when I want to end it all
It sounds nice.
I don't use meth anymore
But sometimes when I'm tired and there's so much left to do
It starts to make me think
I don't use oxy anymore
But sometimes, when my back aches and my legs are sore
It doesn't sound so bad anymore
I don't use Molly anymore
But sometimes, I could use the serotonin
I don't use ecstacy anymore
But sometimes when I want to dance
It seems more fun
I don't drink anymore
But sometimes when I'm being awkward
It feels like it could help.
I don't use anymore
But sometimes my veins ache and cry for more
But I don't use anymore.
That's all anybody ever cared about
Not what I was using for
But just that I was using at all
Not the disease I was trying to treat
But the problem they saw with my medication
So I don't use anymore
And honestly
I'm far less happy now.
But I don't use anymore
So you're happy right?

Poems for the Mentally DamagedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt