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I'm sorry I'm weak
I'm sorry I'm sad. I wish I wasn't
I'm sorry all I show is my weakness
I don't have the strength to go on
I'm sorry I'm weak
Please tell my daughters it's not their fault
It's because I'm weak
I couldn't ever say what I wanted to say because I'm weak and my mind moves faster than I can talk and it never stops running away from the darkness of itself
So I'm sorry I was weak
I'm sorry Im weak but please don't cry ohgodno don't cry tonight over me once more
I was weak so hate me for my weakness
I was weak enough to fall once more into my own abyss of terrible ideas
I'm sorry I was weak that night you begged me to show you I cared. I was so weak watching myself die every night in my mind had made me numb to these feelings.
I'm sorry I was weak. But this is the end of me
Or the end of you and I but I can't let it be that no never that because then id have to be in myself rather then hide in you and your mind was so calm a drug
I'm sorry I'm weak

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