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I feel a sense of impending doom
I'm not sure what the doom is but I always feel it
Just on the edge of my vision
The disaster lingers at the edge of my horizon
A Neverending feeling of paranoid asphyxiation
Choking me on the thickness of it all
It's like my lungs can't fully expand
The weight on my chest bears down
I don't remember letting this elephant in the room
Why is it sitting on me with a sense of failure
I can't discuss it because the room spins when I try
The words get caught in my throat
As if my voice box suddenly forgot how to make sound
The sun sets but it never rises
Ash clouds my vision
Why is everyone else breathing so loudly
So clearly
Untethered by this ongoing angst
This settled warzone triggering my ptsd
No that's not right
This war has been over for years
But I still can't look away from the bloodshed
The blood shed by my own soul
Strewn in pieces across the ground
Cut down as if nothing more then ribbons of smoke
My soul weighs me down
But my soul isn't there
I lost my soul somewhere along the way
Saving everybody else who never returned the favor
Where is my savior from the looming Apocalypse?

Poems for the Mentally DamagedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang