3 Meeting BTS ~

5K 168 5

- Next Morning -

While you were getting ready , you decided to go to the coffee shop . When you were walking there , you saw mini shops . You wanted to go inside but you thought maybe next time you can come again . 

*Ahh , the coffee shop !* You thought . You went inside and ordered a caramel frappe . It was a beautiful sunny day . 

Looking out the window , you saw a group of boys . 7 of them , and they were heading to the coffee shop too . You thought to yourself *Why would these boys come and drink some coffee ? They look like bad boys , it doesn't seem like their type .* When they entered the shop , they were loud and cheerful . Talking about how they beat up a group of guys last night and how they were easy . 

*Ugh , of course . They're gangsters .* You gave a disgusted look and then looked at your phone . 

"Wait , why are we here again ?" Jimin asked .

"We're here for Jin , he was craving for his lover ." J-Hope replied .

"Yah , don't judge me . I needed it ." Jin said when he came back from ordering .

Looking around , someone noticed her .

"Ouuh .. who's the girl over there ?" Jimin said making V look .

"I don't know ? Maybe she's new here or something ." V said .

"She's pretty cute . But she looks so young ." RapMonster said .

"Maybe she's 16? Like Jungkookie" Suga said .

"Maybe .. or maybe 17 ?" Jungkook said .

After getting a text from Omma , you got up and walked out of the shop . You didn't notice but the boys got up and started following you .

"This is so stupid . Why can't you just go up to her and ask for her name ?" J-Hope whispered to Jimin . "You're gonna make us seem like stalkers ."

"I would but what if she runs away ?" Jimin pouted .

"She won't run away , she seems like a kind , sweet girl ." RapMonster quietly said .

All of a sudden you stopped and turned around , and bumped into somebody's chest . They didn't notice that they were too close to you and that you heard everything that they said . 

"Oof ." You backed up a bit .

"Ohh .. uhh .. sorry ." He said .

"No , it's okay . That was me ." You said .

"Yah , why would you bump into her like that ?" J-Hope teasingly said .

"I didn't mean to . It was an accident ." He said .

They kept arguing of how he bumped into you and all and how it wasn't right , lalala ~

"Umm , guys .. sorry to interrupt but I have to go . Bye ." You quickly said and walked away .

"WAIT !" Jimin shouted which made you stop . "Can I at least know your name ?" 

You turned around and yelled back "I'm Haneul . And you ?" 

They all jogged up to you and introduce themselves . 

"I'm Jimin , this is J-Hope , Suga , RapMonster , Jin , V , and Jungkook ."

"HII ~" They chorused .

"Ahah hi ." You giggled . *THUMP THUMP* His heart raced .

"So , are you new here ?" RapMonster asked .

"Yeah , I just moved in yesterday ." You replied .

They all nodded their heads .

"Sorry about my friend here earlier ." Jimin glared at V .

"I already said sorry ." V looked away .

"Again , it's fine ahah . It was just an accident ." You gave a big smile . *THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* His heart was about to explode . "Well , I better get going . So cyah ? It was nice meeting you all by the way." You smiled and waved at them .

"Awwe .. bye" They waved back .

You turned around and walked away and they did the same . They decided to go to RapMonster's place since it was closer .

"Yah , she's really pretty ." Jin said .

"I know . But we all can't fall for her ." Jimin said .

"Who said we all were ? Besides , we already know that ." Jungkook said .

"I'm just saying ." Jimin said .

You were in your room . Thinking about how you bumped into his chest . "Hmm , his name is V? Weird but it suits him . It must have a meaning to it ." You talked to yourself . "They all seem sweet and dorky .. especially .. what's his name .. AHH ! Jimin ."

"Haneul ! Come eat !" Apa yelled from downstairs  which made you snapped out of your thoughts .

"Coming !" You yelled back .

After dinner was done , you helped Omma clean up .

"Ohh , Haneul . Remember tomorrow is your big day ! Aren't you excited ?" Omma happily said .

"Ehh .. it's just school . But I mean , I guess ?" You said .

"Awwe , don't be like that . Don't worry , you'll have fun ." Omma cheered .

"I guess .." You mumbled .

"I heard that Haneul ." Omma said .

"Whaat ? Hahah .. I'm tired . I have to get ready for tomorrow !" You kissed Omma goodnight on the cheek and ran to your room .

Omma giggled and shook her head "Aigoo , my Haneul ."


Copyrights to GDPryyde [AsianFanfics]

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