38 Dance Party Part 2 ~

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"Guys , wake me up when we get there ." You said before knocking out . "Why is she so tired ?" J-Hope asked . "So she can have a lot of energy when we have fun at the dance , durrh !" Jimin lightly smacked the back of J-Hope's head .

"And Hana kind of lives far from the school ." Jin said while playing games on his phone . "Not my fault ." Hana layed her head on J-Hope's shoulder and he brought her in closer by wrapping his arm around her waist .

Jungkook noticed that your head kept rocking side to side , so he lightly pushed your head to V's shoulder . V jolted since he kept looking outside at the night view . He turned his direction towards Jungkookand he gave him a derpy smile .

"What are you doing ?" V mouthed . "You'll thank me later , just enjoy this moment and stop complaining ." He mouthed and looked back at the window . V sighed and felt his heart beated faster and faster .

Soon , he felt his eyelids getting heavier . He wanted to lay his head on yours but he didn't want you to wake up , so he layed his head back on the seat . Both of you were fast asleep .

J-Hope turned to face you and V , he noticed something was wrong . He smiled at his idea and told Jimin to push V's head so it can be on top of yours . Jimin turned to face you guys and did as told .

Luckily , you guys weren't awake enough so they all let you guys sleep like that .

"Awwe look , I miss them ." Rap Monster sighed . "Me too ." Hana said before taking a picture of you guys .

A few minutes before they got to school , V woke up and looked around . He was going to stretch but felt his hand interwined with someone's hand . He looked down at the interwined hands and saw that the other hand was yours .

His eyes widened and glared at each of them . "Who did this ?" They all looked at him . "Did what ?" Rap Monster asked, after talking to the driver . "This ." He pointed with his other free hand .

They all cleared their throats and turned away . "Y-yah , this isn't cool ." He lied . "You know you love it ." J-Hope smirked . V bit his lip . "Yes I do , but seriously who did it ?"

They all shrugged and turned away . "We didn't do anything ." Jimin said while looking out at the window .

// Flashback //

While you guys were sleeping , you kind of woke up . You felt something on top of your head but didn't move , then you realized that you were leaning on something ..

*J-Jungkook ? .. Wait , he's on my left side ..* Then it finally hit you , it was V . Your heart started beating faster since you haven't been this close to him for a while .

You noticed that everybody was looking at different directions , Jimin and Jungkook looking out the window , Jin looking at his phone and Suga looking at his camera , Rap Monster talking to the driver , J-Hope and Hana both asleep .

You inhaled his scent and your heart beated faster even more , you jerked your finger a bit which kind of touched his hand which was right next to yours . You wanted to hold it so bad but you knew you couldn't .

All of a sudden , you felt your hand being interwined with his . You immediately closed your eyes and pretended to sleep . *W-what just happened ?* You peeked an eye open and saw that both of your hands were interwined with each others .

You wanted to look at him if he was asleep or not but you didn't want him to wake up . Your heart was on the urge to burst anytime now , you sighed and went back to sleep .

// Flashback End //

*How did we get our hands like this ?* He thought . *They probably did it while we were sleeping .* He made a face but felt happy at the same time . He looked at the interwined hands , smiled like an idiot and carassed your hand with his thumb . *I mi --*

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