10 Happy Burrfday Princess Jin !! ~

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"Keep distracting him ! We still need some time over here !" You slightly yelled on the phone ."

"Where am I suppose to take him next ?! We went around 2 times already ." V quietly-yelled .

"Just take him somewhere . Suga and Rap Monster haven't got the cake yet , Jimin isn't here with the tiara , and J-Hope and Jungkook aren't done finishing decorating this place ." You quickly said .

"Aishh .. fine . But better hurry , when I feel like it's time to go back , I'm not resisting ." V smirked and hung up the phone .

You gaped at the phone and lightly slapped it , imagining it's V . *Pabo* You made a not-so-angry face .

Jungkook was happily approaching to you but saw your face "Uhh .. Noona .. we're done with decorating ." Jungkook hoping he didn't get on your bad side .

You lightened up and hugged Jungkook . He was surprised but he hugged you back and smiled to himself . "Thank you guys ." You smiled and went to hug J-Hope . *Kekekeke she hugged me !!* Jungkook thought and then pinched himself *It was just a hug , gawdammit .* And then he smiled to himself again .

Soon everyone came , Suga and Rap Monster with the cake and Jimin with the tiara . Except V with Jin ..

"Hyung , where do you want to go next ?" V looked at Jin . "Uhh I don't know .. anywhere I guess ?" Jin kicked the floor and sighed . "You know , everyone ignored me today .. which was weird . When I saw Jimin earlier , he avoided me and acted as if we're strangers , Jungkook and Rap Monster both ignored my calls , and Suga and J-Hope just sayed 'HI' and walked past me and they started talking again . And even Haneul ignored me , she just immediately turned around when we saw each other . All I wanted was a 'happy birthday' from them and spend time with you guys but it looks like I've done something wrong .. and you're here with me , so I'm thankful for that ."

V patted his back "It's okay , hyung . Don't think that they hate you or anything ." and Jin nodded . Then V's phone started vibrating , he took it out and checked it . There was a message from Haneul :

"We're ready , come now ." ~ Honey ^__^

"Finally ! We're coming now ." ~ Taehyungie xD

V quickly texted back and shoved his phone in his pocket . "Hyung , why don't we go to our place ? It's getting kinda dark , don't you think ?" and Jin nodded his head . They both went to V's car and he drove to their place .

When they arrived they got out of the car and approached to the door . "Now hyung , don't get mad okay ?" V said before turning the door knob . "Umm okay ?" Jin said confusingly . When V opened the door it was completely dark , so Jin went in first and turned on the lights and --

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN !!!! ~" Everyone cheered ! "Happy Birthday Hyung" V whispered to Jin and he smiled "Thanks" . Jimin came with the tiara and put it on Jin's head "Happy Birthday Princess Hyung !" Jin giggled and playfully slapped Jimin's arm .

"Thanks guys , ahh I thought you guys were mad at me or something . That's why you all were avoiding me ." Jin began to tear up .

"Awwe Hyung , we weren't mad at you . We had to avoid you , it was part of the plan . Blame Rap Monster ." Suga quickly said on the last part . And Rap Monster gaped "Sorry hyung , I had to . This was suppose to be a surprise party !" Rap Monster grinned and Jin chuckled "Well , you guys are good at that ."

"Okay guys ! Let's start the party !!" You jumped up and down and went to grab the food . *Mm , smells good ~* Jungkook thought . "Noona , can we eat now ?" Jungkook licked his lips . "Ahh , tell everybody to come over here first . Then we'll eat . Arasso ?" You smiled and he nodded .

"HYUNGS !! COME OVER HERE !!" Jungkook yelled and they all jumped a little . "Okay first , Happy Birthday Jinnie ~ I hope you'll have an amazing day and best wishes to you ~" You cheesingly grinned and they all laughed at your cuteness .

"What's so funny guys ?" You tilted your head cutely and they all laughed again "Seriously guys ?! What's so funny ?" And they all shook their head . "Uggh , you guys can eat now ." And they ran to get food .

"Waaaahh , soo yummy ~" Jungkook and Jimin cooed . "You should cook more often for us , Haneul ." Suga cheesingly smiled and they all nodded . "Noona ! I love your cooking <3 and you !" Jungook held up a heart sign with both of his hands and you blushed "Awwe , thank you Jungkookie ~ I love you too xD" V was jealous but he decided to let it go . He knew you guys love each like family . Plus , he didn't want to get mad over something little .

After everyone got done eating , you pulled out the cake in the fridge . *It's so pretty ! Hmm , they did a pretty good job on this cake . Now we just have to taste it ..* You thought and put the cake on the table . "Did you make the cake too ?" Jin asked and you shook your head "Rap Monster and Suga did ~" You chorused and Jin laughed . "Really ? Them ?! I guess ." And Jin began to laugh again .

"Hyung , we took classes for a week and a few days .. STRAIGHT. Appreciate our work man ." Rap Monster folded his arms and pretended to be mad and so did Suga . "Yeah Hyung , sheesh ." Suga playfully rolled his eyes and laughed . Jin laughed at their actions "Okay okay okay , calm down guys ." "Let's sing !" You chorused and you lit up the candles .

"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da , saeng il chuk ha ham ni da , sarang ha neun Jin shi , saeng il chuk ha ham ni da ~"

"Make a wish" You said and Jin made a wish and blew out his candles . "Yaayy ! ~" You guys all cheered and Jin began to cut the cake and passed a piece to everyone . "Okay since it's made from Rap Monster and Suga , birthday boy has to try it first ." You said and they chuckled .

"It isn't that bad ! Hyung , just try it . You'll like it ." Rap Monster gulped . Jin tried the cake and started choking . You quickly gave him water and he shook his head "This cake .. tastes .. delicious !" Suga and Rap Monster sighed in relief and you guys ate the cake deliciously .

After spending a wonderful time with BTS , You decided to go home . V wanted to drop you off but you denied it .

While you were walking home , you heard footsteps walking behind you . You got scared so you quickened your pace , and so did the person behind you . You were a little irritated so you turned around and yelled "LEAVE ME ALONE OR I'LL DR-- RICKY ?!" Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened .


[Author's Note]

Heheh yaas . TEEN TOP IS GOING TO BE IN THIS STORY AS WELL ~ (Just here and there or so) Since Ricky was revealed first .. here are some pictures of him ! Please enjoy this cutie xD Muahahah <3 


I'm trying to spice this story a bit and hopefully it works . I'm sorry for updating this story in such a long time !! I was suppose to update this story on Jin's burrfday but I was lazy .. I know , I know , shame on me . But hopefully you all enjoy this chapter ? xD

<3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVE YOU ALL <3 <3 <3 <3

© GDPryyde

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