chapter 3

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  Adrien waited outside the school gates for alya, Nino, and Marinette. They arrived 10 minutes later.

Adrien- What took you guys so long?

Alya- Sorry that teacher she got mad at some people in the class for making noise and she held us back.

Nino- Ugh I hate when she does that.

Marinette- real!! She is let the innocent suffer for the guilty.

Adrien- Wow, you guys ready?

Nino- ya

Marinette- Ok let's go

They all followed behind Marinette as they walked cross the street to Marinette's house.

Adrien- you live across from school?

Adrien asked in shock.

Mary- Yeah, crazy right?

Adrien- Yeah

They all walked into Marinette's house and walked up the stairs.

They sat on the floor in Marinette's room. Marinette went downstairs to prepare the snacks.

Alya- So..... You like Marinette don't you adrien?

A smirk appeared in the left corner of alya's lips.

Adrien blushed.

Adrien- What? What do you mean?

Alya- You know what I mean. You're always following Marinette and everytime you see her you can't stop smiling.

Adrien blushed 10 times redder. Nino chuckled.

Nino- Take it easy alya, your gonna making the guy blush.

Adrien- Ummmmmm I don't k-know what your t-talking about

Alya- Yeah? Why you stuttering then?

Alya was smirking but it dropped once Marinette walked into the room, everyone acted like nothing happened in that moment.

Marinette sat down and placed the bowl of nachos on the floor. She gave them all a can soda. And placed the rest of the snacks beside her.

Marinette realized everyone was looking at her with a strange look.

Marinette- What?

Alya- nothing

Adrien- N-nothing

Nino- Nun nun nun

Marinette giggled at their weird responses.

Mary- Ok

After a few minutes of talking alya decides to ask everyone to play a game.

Alya- Does anyone wanna play truth or dare?

Nino- Yes!!

Adrien- Sure

Marinette- Noooooooooo alya!!

Adrien- Why not?

Marinette- Because alya always gives me the dates I don't like!!

Alya giggled.

Alya- ain't my fault you don't like my dares.

Marinette- oh yes it is, because you know I don't like them and you still give me them.

Marinette growled.

Adrien chuckled, Marinette's really cute when she's mad. What?

Alya- Ight let's play..... who's first?

Adrien- me

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