chapter 5

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Adrien decided he was having a party at the college they were in. The college people allowed him to have a party since he was the new student.

He invited alot of people but mainly he invited alya, Nino, and Marinette. Marinette decided to dress real sexy, but boyy that was her biggest mistake.

She wore a black dress and some matching heels.

Alya- Hey!! Girl your looking reallllll sexy!!

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Alya- Hey!! Girl your looking reallllll sexy!!

Marinette giggled.

Marinette- Thanks look sexy too!!

Marinette said as she examined her friend's outfit.

Alya laughed.

Alya- Thanks.

Alya was wearing a red leather dress with matching red heels. She looked like a biker.

Alya- I'll call Nino to pick us up Kay.

She took her phone out from her purse and dialed Nino's number.

Marinette- Kay

After a few minutes of waiting Nino picked them up and dropped them to the college.

They walked in and all eyes were set on them. Especially Marinette tho, die to her dress the guys were drooling over her.

Adrien walked out of the back and placed the bowl of punch on the table. He scanned the room and his eyes landed on Marinette.

He looked her up from her head to her toe. Adrien was getting a little horny seeing her like that.

Adrien- She looks so sexy......

Adrien whispered.

Nino- mhm glad you think so.

Nino interrupted him from behind.

Adrien- Gahh!! Gezze!! Nino you scared me!!

Nino- Sorry dude.

Nino started to walk over to Marinette and alya.

Nino- Come on dude!!

Adrien shyly walked beside him towards Mary and alya.

They both looked like shining jewels, especially Marinette.

Adrien approached her with a smile.

Adrien- Wow Marinette your looking really good tonight.

Marinette blushed at his compliment.

Marinette- T-thank you, don't look so bad yourself.

Adrien- thanks.

Adrien chuckled and looked at her body.....their was lust in his eyes and he couldn't control himself.

He took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. He held her close and placed his hands on her big round hips and pulled her closer.

Marinette gasped, she was so surprised she forgot to breathe. There was a slow song that was playing.  Adrien and Marinette were closely dancing together, holding eachother tightly and never wanting to let go.

After a few minutes of dancing Adrien pulled Mary into a corner.

Adrien- Marinette.....I really have to tell you something.

His voice was nice and tender.

Marinette- Yes?

Adrien- I really like you and I would like if.....I can have a kiss.

Marinette gasped, she then blushed and stepped closer to him.

She then kissed him softly. Alya gasped as she saw the two kissing in the corner.

Alya- You go girl!!

Nino- wow it's only been a few minutes and they're already making out.

Alya- I know right!!

Nino- Wanna dance?

He held out his hand like a gentleman and alya took it. They started dancing and went into their own world that they didn't even realize Adrien pulling Marinette from the corner.

Adrien pulled Marinette upstairs and took her to a room. He closed the door and locked it.

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