chapter 16

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Alya, nino, Marinette and Adrien all meets up at Mary's house. And they started talking about alya's situation.

Alya started to tell them her back ground story again.


Alya sat there unfazed by Zion's voice. He was sitting next to her and talkinga about some family dinner he wanted her to go to with him to meet his family.

But alya just found out he was cheating on her and he slapped her. He had never done that before.

She was snapped back into his thoughts when Zion placed a hand on her thigh. And she flinched.

Zion- Babe are you ok?

Alya- uhhh yeah i-im ok

Zion- Do you wanna go to the family dinner?

Alya- s-sure

Alya was afraid that if she said no then he would hit her again. Zion kissed her lips before getting up from the couch.

Zion- Ok I'll be in the kitchen cooking if you need me.

Alya nodded.

He left her and went to the kitchen. Alya's eyes followed him and she spotted a really sharp knife on the table.

She eyed the knife for a minute or so until she snapped out of it once she heard a ping from her phone.

Alya took her phone from her back pocket and checked her messages.

The text read:

Nino- I know he hit you yesterday.

Alya gasped. How in the world did he know that? Did alya's face give it away?

Alya- How do you know that?

Nino- Don't worry......I'm just really worried for you. That was abuse, you need to tell the police.

Alya- What for? It was just one time. And he said he would never do it again.

Nino sighed.

Nino- Your so nieve alya..... ofcourse he'll do it again. He just said that because he doesn't want you to leave him.

Alya sighed.

Alya- Nino please.....

Nino- Meet up with me tonight at 8:30 sharp don't be late.

Alya- Meet you? Where?

Nino- the place where we you remember?

Alya- Ok I remember.

Nino- ok be safe. See you later.

Alya- Yeah later.

Alya puts her phone on silent and pushed it into her back pocket.

She looks at Zion in the kitchen. She sighed, how in the world is she supposed to meet Nino?

Zion doesn't like Nino, so she can't just say 'im going to meet Nino' he would freak out.

So alya came up with a plan.

Zion was sleeping while alya was getting dressed. She puts on her red jacket with blue jeans and her white air forces.

She then crept out of the room and towards the front door. She managed to sneak out of the front door and walk to the park where her and Nino met.

She sat on the bench when she got there. Nino sat beside her, she smiled she felt like she didn't see him for a long time. She barely saw him now that her and Zion were together.

Nino- Hey....I missed you.

Alya- I missed you to.

She hugged him tightly.

Nino breaks the hug.

Nino- But alya I'm worried for you.

Alya- I'll be fine alright? Don't worry....

Nino- I can't help it. When I saw him hit you I couldn't contain my anger.

Alya- You saw him?....

Nino- Yeah...and I don't like your relationship nor him.....I wish he rots in jail.

Alya- Nino

Nino- Don't Nino me alya......I'm sorry but I can't help but worry about you. If he hurts you I'll kill him.

Alya- Nino please.....

Nino- And most importantly I came here to talk to you about.....our relationship.

Alya raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Alya- Our relationship?

Nino- Yeah.....I can't stop thinking about you alya. I'm in love with you.

Alya gasped, she couldn't believe her ears. All her life her and Nino were beasties and she never once told him how she felt about him.

All those times together alya developed feelings for him but she was afraid he didn't see her that way.

So she got with Zion and now he's telling her this now? Wow......

Alya- Oh Nino I like you to but.....

Nino- But you have a boyfriend...I knew you were gonna say that.

Alya- Yeah but I like you to and if I wasn't dating Zion I would totally date you.

She looked into Nino's eyes. She then looked at his lips. Nino followed her eyes and realized what she was saying.

Nino placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer. When she was close enough all the space between them was closed.

Nino moved closer and closer until his lips touched alya's own. Feeling alya's lips ontop of his he didn't want alya to leave.

He wanted her to become his. He hated Zion because of him being able to kiss, touch, pleasure and live with her everyday.

Now he was able to kiss her and it drived him crazy.

Nino pushed his tongue in alya's mouth. Alya moaned as she felt his tongue in her mouth.

Their tongue moved in sync. Soon their tongues started fighting for dominance....Nino won right away.

Alya got ontop of him and took her jacket off. Nino placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer.

Alya broke the kiss and Nino started kissing her neck. Alya moaned feeling pleasure throughout her body.

She grasped his shoulders tightly. Alya felt his bulge between his legs. Nino kissed alya harder and harder.

Alya then realized what she was doing and she broke the kiss.

Alya- Omg i-i sorry

She got off of him and grabbed her jacket from the floor. She frantically puts it on.

Nino- It's ok, alya are you ok? Why'd you stop?

Alya- did you forget I have a boyfriend....and I have to go see you later Nino.

She hurrys home and Nino watches her sadly as she leaves. It's always Zion that keeps pulling her away from him. Why can't he just disappear?......

Little did he know that someone was watching him and alya and they were furious.

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