chapter 7

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Alya and Nino started their investigation on Saturday as planned.

They asked all the people at the party and they were exhausted. So far they didn't get any leads about what happened to her.

Everyone was confused when alya and Nino asked them about marinette being ok, because she seemed fine that night.

Alya and Nino decided to ask on more person about that night. Luka.

He had a huge crush on Marinette and he always watched her.

So if anyone knew what happened to her, it would be him. He was literally her stocker.

Alya and Nino drove all the way to his house. Alya got out of the car marched towards his door.

She banged on it desperately. She was so desperate to find answers.

Nino walked towards her just as the door flew open. Luka flashed his friendly smile at her.

Luka- Hey....alya and Nino.

He waved at them.

Luka- Nice of you to show up here.

Alya- No time to chit chat pretty boy. Do you know what happened to Marinette at the college party?

Luka- huh? What do you mean? She looked fine.

Alya- Yeah? So why does she look so pale and sickly. After she came from the party she started acting weird.

Nino- Yeah like.....not speaking to us like at all sometimes. She wouldn't call us we would have to call her which is abnormal for her because Marinette always calls us first.

Luka- look....I wasn't watching her alllllll night ok? I was just watching her when she was with adrien and she seemed fine to me.

And that's when it finally hits her. Adrien.......he was with her allllll night. If anyone knew what happened to her it would be him.

Nino and alya both look at eachother in sync. Realizing that Adrien was with her allllll night they now had a lead.

Alya and Nino ran towards their car, got in, and drove off quickly and fast. Nino sped allll the way to Adrien's house.

They both got out and ran up the stairs and to his door. Nino knocked and Adrien opened the door.

Adrien- Hey alya, hey Nino

Alya glared at him. It had to be him, he had to have done something to Marinette.

Adrien- Woah alya what's with the glares.

Alya- You know exactly why I'm glaring at you.

Adrien- Uhhhhh no, I don't. So can you explain.

Nino- First of all, what did you do to Marinette at that party last night?

Adrien raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Adrien- Uh nothing.

Alya- So why is Marinette acting different!? And you've seen how she looks now, so what did you do?!

Adrien- I didn't do anything.

Nino- Then explained what happened.

Adrien began to explain.

Adrien- After I pulled her upstairs I took her to a room. And then after that we started drinking, a couple minutes later after we finished the bottle of wine we started making out. I was drunk so I can't remember anything after that. When I woke up she was gone.

Alya gasped.

Nino- Wait so you don't know what happened to her either??

Adrien- Guys I have no idea what happened to her. She left me in the room.

Alya- Wait you said you can't remember anything after you guys were making out?

Adrien- That's correct

Alya looked at Nino with a worried look.

Nino- What's wrong babe?

Alya looked back at Adrien.

Alya- Adrien answer me this.....are you violent?

Adrien- What!! No ofcourse not!!

Alya- Ok......but we're gonna have to ask Marinette now Nino. If we really want the truth we need to ask her.

Nino nodded his head in agreement.

Adrien- I'm coming with you.

Alya- Ok let's go

They all hopped into Nino's car and drove to Mary's house. Alya was worried for her best friend the whole ride.

Seeing her worried expression Nino placed his hand on her thigh.

Nino- it'll be alright ok?

Alya gave a small smile at her boyfriend's soothing words. But still.....she couldn't help but worry.

Saving MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now