chapter 11

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Adrien and Marinette both sat on her bed and just stared at eachother. Adrien didn't even get to finish his food.

He didn't have a appetite at that time. He stared so deeply into Marinette's eyes she felt like he was staring into her soul.

Marinette decided to break the akward silence.

Marinette- Adrien.....

Adrien- Yeah?

Marinette- Did you mean it when you said that you......loved me?

Adrien blushed, he remembered when he told her that and he actually meant it from the bottom of his heart. He actually said that because in that moment he felt that Marinette had to be his and only his.

Adrien- Uh yeah I did.....I'm sorry if I said it too soon.

Marinette- No no no actually it was the perfect moment I actually was feeling you.

Adrien- You were?

Marinette smiled shyly at him.

Marinette- Yeah.....

Adrien smiled.

Adrien- Look, Marinette I know I can't undone what has already happened but if I could take that night back I would I swear. So please......give me one more chance.

Marinette looked at his expression and realized he was serious about what he was saying.

Marinette- Oh Adrien ofcourse, everyone deserves a second chance.

She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back. Huge smiles were plastered across their faces. They were so happy they didn't even hear the room door open.

"What's going on here?!", A voice asked in anger.

They both broke the hug quickly and looked up towards the voice to see alya standing in the door way.

Marinette got up quickly. Alya shot Adrien a nasty glare. She had something against from that night he raped her, she wouldn't let it go.

Marinette told her that she kinda forgave him but she didn't care. Nino also tried but failed miserably.

Alya was a good best friend but when it comes to hurting Marinette don't ever ask for a second chance because you ain't getting one.

Alya has a firery spirit, so when you say something offensive her don't expect for her to back down, expect something back. And if you did something wrong to her it's gonna be hard for her to forgive you.

So in this case alya thinks she's doing the right thing.

Marinette- alya please i-

Alya cuts her off

Alya- Don't alya me Marinette, you know I don't like him and you still let him come back into your life to hurt you again!!

Marinette- No he's not like that.....that night adrien was drunk he didn't know what he was doing.

Alya- Drunk or not....he raped you. And that was just two weeks ago!!

Marinette- I know alya but I forgave him.

Alya- no I refuse to forgive him. I hate him.

Alya shot him another nasty glare and he gulped.

*Omg, why is this girl so stubborn?!*, Marinette thought frustratedly.

Marinette- alya please......I forgave him and that's all that matters. And it was an accident.

Alya- No that was not an accident he intentionally did that. He was in his right mind when he pulled you into that room!!

Marinette- alya stop it!!

All Adrien could do was look down at the ground in defeat.

Alya- Don't you see Marinette!! He's using you again.....he just wants to get into your pants again!! That's what guys do!!

Marinette- No he was drunk you cannot hold that against him, it's not fair!!


Marinette gasped.

Marinette- You take that back Adrien is not a rapist!!

Alya- Oh yes the hell he is!

Marinette- No he's not!!

Alya- Then you tell me why he raped you then!!

Marinette frowned, this part of her best friend she didn't like very very much I mean at all.

Alya lowered her tone a bit.

Alya- Do you see how you get in so much trouble with boys?.....because your so nieve and when they're done doing what they want with you they toss you to the side and they look for a next victim. But if you let them get what they want from you they'll think they have control over you. And all I'm doing is trying to protect you.

Marinette finally heard enough, so she snapped.

Marinette- No I've heard enough of your bs!! Get out of my house!! You and Nino get out and I never wanna see you two again!! Ever!! Not get out!!

Alya gasped.

Maybe she took it a little too far?.....

Alya sighed.

Alya's tone was now low and tender it was so soft it was almost like a whisper.

Alya- Look Marinette.....I'm only trying to protect you ok.....I'm sorry if I made you feel overwhelmed about this decision but......if you anything just call me ok?

Marinette stared at her in disgust.

Marinette- GET. OUT.

Alya and Nino did as she said and left the house. Hearing what alya said about him hit him hard and he started crying.

Marinette knelt down beside him and hugged him tightly. She tried to comfort him the best way she could.

Marinette- It's ok, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Shhhhh it's ok.

Adrien just cried and cried, he felt even more guilty now that alya said he was a rapist. He couldn't take it he just cried and cried.

Marinette held him tightly. She felt so bad tears started welling up in her eyes and she cried silently.

Alya and Nino got into the car and drove off.

Nino- Hold up....what do you mean by 'that's what guys do'?

Alya looked at Nino with an irritated look.

Alya- Just shut up Nino.

Nino jammed the brakes and the car came to a hault.

Nino- I can't believe you think that ALL guys do that!!

Alya realized what she did and she gasped.

Alya- Omg Nino I'm so sorry i-

Nino cuts her off.

Nino- Don't Nino me!! You've been acting really strange towards me lately. And like Marinette you're to over protective of her it's suffercating. And your so stubborn, so when you get you bs together let me know.

(DAMN!! Nino)

Alya gasped. He started the car drove her home and didn't even call or texted her when he got home which he normally does.

Alya really felt like an idiot at this point. But what they didn't know was that alya wasn't being over protective for no reason......

So what do you think is the reason?

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