chapter 13

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Alya woke up to someone kissing her neck. She moaned. She opened her eyes to see Zion on top of her.

He kissed her lips.

Zion- Good morning babe

Alya- Good morning baby

He got off of her and she sat up on the bed.

Zion- Do you want pancakes?

Alya- Are you seriously asking me that?

Zion chuckled and walked out of the room. Alya layed her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes.

*Zzzzzzz* Alya's phone vibrated waking her from her slumber. She got sleepily and answered her phone.

Marinette- Hello.....

Alya- Hello? Marinette?

Marinette- Yeah alya uhhhhh we need to talk.....

Alya- we need to talk but when I was trying to talk to you, you told me to get out of your house.

Marinette- I'm so sorry alya I was just angry.

Alya- Right. I except your apology but I remember when you said you don't wanna see me again.

Marinette- alya.....

Alya- Marinette please.....don't. I'm really not in the mood to talk right now ok?

Marinette sighed from the other end of the phone.

Alya- Goodbye Marinette.

She hung up the phone and Marinette looked to her left. Nino and Adrien was sitting on her bed next to her.

She sighed in defeat.

Marinette- I knew that was gonna happen, she's so stubborn.

Marinette was annoyed at her best friend's behavior.

Nino- But yesterday alya was not herself. When she said your nieve she meant something. Alya wouldn't say that for nothing.

Adrien- I mean....what are you trying to say Nino?

Nino- I'm saying I think something happened to alya that she doesn't wanna tell us.

Marinette- Yeah actually, now that you point that out to me I actually can see what you mean.

Nino- and plus it sounded like she had experience by how she was saying it. Like it happened to her before too.

Adrien- Oh right. Wait.....what exactly happened to her? Sounds like someone broke her heart or something.

Marinette- no.....I think it's worst.

Nino, Marinette and Adrien both look at eachother with a worried look. Instead of hating her they were all worried for her mental and emotional health now.

*Ping, ping* Zion's phone went off and alya looked at it. She unlocked his phone with his password and tapped the message.

Random girl- Hey baby, your girlfriend still around?

Alya gasped. She couldn't believe what she was reading. She read all the way up and it looks like they just started talking a week ago.

Alya was so hurt tears started coming to her eyes. She really loved Zion and she couldn't believe it.

Zion walked into the room. Alya quickly threw the phone down on the bed.

Zion- Babe? You ok?

Alya wiped her tears from her face.

Alya- Yeah I'm fine.

Zion- Ok i came to ask if you wanted syrup.

Alya- Yeah sure...

Zion- Ok

He left and went downstairs. Alya looked back at the phone and tears came to her eyes again. She placed his phone back where it was and layed down.

She closed her eyes and tried not to think about it.

*Knock, knock* Alya's eyes flew opened and she sat up and looked at the door. There Marinette, Nino and Adrien stood.

Alya- What are you guys doing here?

They all look at Marinette.

Marinette- We came to talk......

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