chapter 9

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Adrien sighed.

Adrien- I am so so sorry

Marinette looked at his facial expression. She took tell he was actually sorry.

Marinette- It's ok, I understand you weren't yourself. But it'll be hard to trust you again.

Adrien frowned.

Adrien- Understood.

Marinette sighed.

Adrien- I'll let myself out.....

He walked away from them and left the house. He walked all the way home, the rape scene playing over and over in his head.

He just couldn't believe he did that. He felt like a total jerk.

After that Marinette, alya and Nino didn't speak to him again after that day.

It's already been 2 weeks and they hadn't spoken to him since.

Marinette felt a little bad for treating him like that but she needed some space to think.

Marinette was walking home one night, she stayed late at college to finish her paper.

She was wearing a short skirt, a crop top and some flats. She was walking, minding her own business.

When she was pulled into a dark alley. She was about scream when a hand covered her mouth.

There were about 4 to 5 guys in the alley with her.

Marinette's eyes were filled with terror. She was so scared she started trembling.

Guy 1- Hey there pretty lady.....

Guy 2- Ooooooo wow isn't she sexy?

Guy 3- Yeah she is....

Guy 4- Let's take turns shall we?

Guy 5- all I know is......I'm going first.

The guy took his hand of Marinette's mouth and threw her to the ground.

The men held her down while guy 5 unzipped his pants. Marinette started screaming.

Guy 4- Can somebody shut her up?!

Guy 2- I've got tape in my bag.

He got the tape out of his bag and taped Marinette's mouth.

Guy 2 ten pulled Marinette's skirt off. Marinette eyes widened in shock. Here. We. Go. Again.

She just got raped 2 weeks ago, and now she gonna endure it again. But by 5 guys this time......great....just great.

Marinette braced herself to be raped.....again. she closed her eyes and hoped it all will be over as soon as she opened her eyes.

She then felt hand on her thigh. The person slid her under wear off of her slowly.

Tears slid down Marinette's face. She couldn't help but cry.

"Get away from her!!"

A voice said.

Marinette was shocked, the voice sounded so fimiliar.

She opened her eyes to see adrien standing Infront of the guys.

Guy 3- What did you say punk?

Adrien- I said, get away from her....are you deaf or what?

Guy 4- How dare you!!

They all forgot about Mary and they charged toward Adrien.

Adrien beat up all of them. They were left laying on the cold ground.

Marinette was crying she was laying on the floor half way naked. Adrien dressed her, picked her up and carried her home.

While carrying her home Marinette fell asleep in his arms. That whole time she was crying, she then fell asleep.

Marinette opened her eyes and adjusted her vision. She realized that she was laying her bed in her room.

She looked around and she spotted Adrien beside her.

He fell asleep in the chair next to her. She smiled as she remembers how he saved her.

Marinette gets up and taps him on the shoulder. He wakes up instantly and in a panic.

Marinette- Hey it's ok, I'm fine.

She assures him in a tender tone.

Adrien calms down and sits next to her on the bed. Adrien took a deep breathe before he spoke.

Adrien- Are you ok?

Marinette- Yeah I'm ok and.....thank you for saving me.

Adrien- It's fine.....I just couldn't see you get hurt like that....again.

Marinette sighed as she recalled the Memory.

Marinette-  Do you want something to eat or drink?

Adrien- Sure

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