chapter 6

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Marinette wasn't the same when she came out of that room. She walked into class and sat next alya and Nino.

She looked really drained, her skin was pale she looked sick. Alya realized the change and got concerned.

Alya- Hey ok?

Nino- Yeah you don't look so good dude.

Marinette- Yeah I'm ok

She replied in rough tone. Her voice cracked when she said that.

Alya- You sure girl?

Mary- Yeah I'm sure

The lesson started and Marinette ended up falling asleep during the lesson.

The teacher saw her and she was not happy.

She got up from her seat and marched towards Marinette's desk.

The teacher- Miss Marinette dupain Cheng!!

Marinette snapped up and looked at the teacher.

The teacher- Why are you sleeping in my classroom?!

Marinette's eyelids were heavy and all she wanted was to go sleep right now. She didn't feel good anyways.

Marinette- I really don't feel good miss......

The teacher- Ok if you didn't feel good why did you come to school?!

Marinette- Because I wanted to.

The teacher- If your sick go home!! And don't sleep in my class ever again!! And speaking of class come up to this board and write the correct answer.

Marinette wanted to roll her eyes at the teacher so bad but she was even too weak to do that.

Her skin temperature was hot and the weather cold. Her blood was pretty hot, she got up on her feet and her knees trembled.

She felt so weak. She was about to walk towards the board but her head felt light and she fell faint.

Her head hit the floor and everyone started to panic. Alya rushed to her best friend and tried to pick her up.

The teacher- Omg!! Someone call the nurse!!

Adrien was sitting at the back row and he saw alya struggling to lift Marinette so he rushed to her aid.

He picked her weak body off of the floor and took her to the nurse.

Marinette's eyes flew open and she scanned the ceiling. She tried to get up but fell weak.

The nurse- Oh no child your temperature is too high you need to stay under the covers.

Marinette sighed, she felt so weak. She layed back and closed her eyes. All of her body felt hot, her head was spinning, her throat was dry and she felt like she lifted a thousand bricks.

The nurse- stay in bed ok? And you shouldn't have come to school today miss Marinette. Your temperature is really high and can't seem to bring it down.

Marinette coughed.

Marinette- Thank you so much.

The nurse- You welcome. Just stay in bed for a couple of days and you should be fine ok?

Marinette- Ok

Marinette stayed home for the last couple of days. And she didn't come to school, she stayed in bed just like the nurse said.

Sabine and Tom was worried about her, but she said she was fine.

Alya and Nino knew better tho. They knew something was wrong with Marinette.

Something happened at that party but what exactly?

Alya and Nino vowed that they were gonna find out what happened to her by investigating.

Alya came up with the idea to ask all of the people whom was at the party questions about what happened to her.

They would start investigating on Saturday, when there isn't no school so they can focus on the case. They didn't tell Marinette about ofcourse.....they didn't want her to worry.

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