chapter 17

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Alya and Nino sat together side by side. They both looked at Adrien and Marinette's shocked faces.

Adrien- you cheated on him?

Alya- Unconsciously yes....

Nino- she really didn't mean to.

Marinette- And then what happened next.

Nino looked at alya with a worried look. She mirror his expression and began to tell the story again.

Alya walked into the house and quickly ran upstairs. Making a bunch of noise.

She made it to the bedroom hoping that Zion was still sleeping. She went into the bedroom took off her jacket and layed back down on the bed.

Alya looked beside her to see Zion missing. She gasped, oh no. She heard the room door open and she sprung up on the bed.

Zion marched in the room with an angry expression.

Alya let out a shaky breath. She looked at him and she could see that he was in rage.

Zion- Literally how DARE YOU KISS HIM?!

Alya- Kiss who? How'd you eve know-

Zion cuts her off.


Alya- But it is my buisness.

Zion- No it's not!! You know what I'm tired of this!!

Alya- and I'm tired of you!! Pushing me around like your my mom or something....

Zion gasped. All of a sudden he got in raged and he unbuckled his pants.

Zion- You know what since your tired of me, your gonna get what you deserve.

He pulled alya's legs and alya kicked and screamed. 

He tied her hands to the bed and pulled down his pants.

He got some scissors and walked back to alya. He started cutting all of her clothes off.

Alya screamed and wailed.

Alya- Please!! Stop!! Please!! Don't do this!!

Zion- Shut up!!

He continued to cut her clothes off as she struggled. After a while he finally entered her and went rough.

Alya screamed in pain as she felt it course through her body, but all Zion felt was pure pleassure.

That whole night he raped her and didn't stop for a second. Alya's body was sore and she couldn't feel not one lim.

She gave up and she stopped screaming because she eventually lost her voice and screaming clearly wasn't helping her.

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