Chapter 10

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Marinette made Adrien some of her favorite soup. Normally her parents would make it for her when she was sick.

And they did it so much that she started to study the ingredients and made for herself sometimes. She knew Adrien was gonna like it.

She made some lemonade with it. She then walked upstairs with it. When she opened the door she spotted Adrien.

He was looking all around her room like a curious cat. Marinette smiled.

She walked into the room and quietly placed the food and drink down not wanting to disturb him.

Marinette- Have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?

Adrien looks at her direction. He smiled, he loved cat puns.

Adrien- Yeah but sometimes I can't help it.

Marinette- Well.... you'll be the first to die in a horror movie.

Adrien laughed.

Adrien- Yeah probably

Marinette giggled. She picked up the soup and the lemonade. She gave him it and he sat on the floor.

She sat Infront of him. He smelt the soup and was blown away by the smell.

Adrien-'s smells amazing.

Marinette smiled sweetly.

Mary- Glad you like it.

Adrien smiled, he was literally inlove with her smile. It was one of the reasons why he fell in love with her.

Adrien- I know I will never be forgiven for what happened to you 2 weeks ago but....I want you to know how sorry I am.

Marinette frowned.

Adrien- I am so so sorry and I know sorry doesn't do anything but I am truly truly sorry.

Marinette looked into his eyes and she saw sorrow, pain, fear, and despair all rapped up in one.

She felt so bad tears started welling up in her eyes.

She went closer to him.

Marinette- Oh Adrien.

She pulled him into a warm hug. Adrien missed her warm hugs so he melted into her arms once he felt her warm skin against his.

After a few minutes of hugging, Adrien suddenly got this urge to do something crazy.

He broke the hug slowly and looked into Marinette's eyes.

Adrien- Marinette? Can I ask you something?

Marinette- Sure...

They were whispering because they were so close to eachother.

Adrien- C-can I kiss you?

Marinette- S-sure

Adrien kissed Marinette softly. Marinette melted into the kiss.

For some reason Marinette didn't feel frightened, or scared while he held her. She actually felt warm and safe.

Adrien then broke the kiss.

Adrien- I'm so sorry!! I didn't know what I was thinking!!

Marinette- That's ok....I kinda liked it.

Adrien blushed.

Adrien- Really?

Marinette- yeah.....

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