chapter 14

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Alya- seriously Marinette, Nino and Adrien you guys don't need to be here ya know.

Marinette- alya please....just hear us out.

Adrien- Please...

Nino- alya we really need to ask you something.

Alya- Fine!! Just shut up!!

Everyone gasped in sync. Alya folded her arms.

Alya- You have 1 minute.

Marinette- Alya....what happened to you in your past?

Alya froze as she heard those words.

Alya- W-what did you say?

Alya was so in shock.

Nino- I knew something happened to you in the past because I was there. But you never told me what happened with you and Zion.

Alya- Don't say his fricking name!!

Alya covered her ears.

Marinette looked at alya then at Nino. She was so confused. She tapped Nino's shoulder.

Marinette- Who Zion?

Adrien- Yeah.....

Nino- Zion's alya's ex boyfriend.....AKA her abusive ex boyfriend.

Marinette gasped. She finally realized why alya was saying those things.

Marinette walked towards alya and hugged her. She broke the hug and looked at her friend with a worried look.

Marinette- alya I know why you said those things. You said those things about me because you were saying that about yourself back then. You were different back then weren't you?

Alya mirrored her expression. Alya sighed, she was really sensitive about this topic because of what all happened with her and Zion.

Adrien- If you don't mind me asking.....where is Zion now?

Nino- He's dead.

Marinette and Adrien both gasped.

Alya- I'll explain the story, everyone sit down please.

Everyone did as she said and they sat. Alya sat Infront of them and began to tell the story.

Wondered what happened to Zion......what do you think happened to him?

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