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~{   I ' M   P R O U D   O F   Y O U   }~

"Again!" Tatia commanded as Neteyam was surrounded by 3 warriors. He was supposed to tackle them down and fake kill them, it was supposed to be one of the final stages in training but due to his status already, it took less time, this meant they could now work on the sign language and native language.

They were stood on the battle ground, a small cliff on the edge of the sea where training warriors would go for their last few times of training, the final battles.

His family and the warriors as well as Tonowari had gathered round to watch so if failed, it was embarrassing.

"Go on Bro!" Lo'ak cheered, a few of the warriors yipping as they did tribal dances. Tatia walked up to Neteyam, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to speak into his ear. "Don't attack first, always go for the throat. Do that and you get time. That's what you need. Use them to get what you want or defend yourself. This is your 2nd shot, you get 3. If you fail all 3 you have no chance at being a warrior."

She pulled away, her hand still on his neck as he stood up straight. "Wait till they attack first." Tatia finished, holding back out his spear for him to take which her did, nodding his head gratefully. She nodded back before stepping out the circle, Neteyam doing a quick stretch before getting into position.

Neteyam had cuts all over his body from the 3 men's spears but it only helped, he was getting angry, more powerful. "Come on Son! Snap out of it!" Jake yelled.

"Aiye!" Tatia yelled, slamming her spear and commencing the fight.

Warrior 1 immediately lunged first, his spear reaching out behind Neteyam and catching him just under his eye, creating a slice. Neteyam hissed, reaching back and grabbing the spear, pulling the warrior towards him and jabbing him in the throat with his first and then kicking him in the stomach to take him down. 

Warrior 2 went next, slamming his spear into Neteyam's side as Warrior 3 grabbed the boy's queue and pulled him back, reaching for his dagger but was late as Neteyam turned around, punching the man's arm down before punching him around the face and tackling him to the floor, using the man's dagger against him and holding it against his neck.

"3, out!" Tatia declared, the warrior moving back as the clan cheered. 

Neteyam grabbed his spear, swinging it around his head before swinging it down at the 2nd warrior who blocked it with his own, both of them moving towards the edge of the cliff as they lunged at each other, shouting in anger as they couldn't beat each other.

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