Dr Shepherd

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"Room 284, Dr Shepherd" comes sprawling across my pager. I roll off the cot in the on-call room and leave the dark room. I start on my way to 284 which is directly on the other side of the hospital. It's in the neurology wing which makes sense if Shep is paging me.

Halfway there my walk is joined by an overly peppy April Kepner. We walk in silence until she decides to break it because she can't stand the sound of her voice in her head.

"So, where are you walking to?" She says with a cheerful smile. I've never liked April. Since the first day I met her, something about her urked me. Maybe it was her bright orange scrubs or her high pitched voice or the fact that she's never not smiling. I don't know what it is, but I despise April Kepner.

"Room 284, Shepherd."

"Oh my gosh, same!" Pops out of mouth. "Were probably gonna be on a case together, fun!"

Fun. Right.

"Dr Shepherd nice to see you!" April says as she picks up the charts laying in the table. She's so obviously inlove with him it's actually nauseating. He's my sister's husband. I feel like I have to say something.

"Hello Dr Kepner and Dr Grey. This is Mr Cameron-"

"Call me Ryan." The patient says smiling at me. He's a young guy, maybe early twenties, with soft hazel eyes and a smirk that stretches up the right side of his face. He has a grown out sandy brown buzz-cut and a 5-o'clock shadow. He looks a little like Dylan O'Brien only with bigger eyes.

"Ryan," Derek says with a smile. "is in for persistent seizures and fainting. His CT, MRI and PET scan are all clear."

"And so is my calendar incase you were wondering." Ryan says throwing a wink my way.

"Ryan is a fire fighter so fainting and seizures cannot be happening. We've tried everything and now we're passing this case onto you two."

"Us? Together? Both of us?" I ask frantically.

"Yes, both of you together. You have been our two hardest working residents on neuro so I'm trusting you two to figure this out."

"Of course Dr Shepherd! You can count on us!" I roll my eyes dramatically which is caught by Ryan shown by the smile reaching ear to ear.

"Let's get you worked up Ryan." I say, ignoring his smile.

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