2 Months

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We rush out of the car to get to the residents lounge until I feel something pull me back. I turn around and see Mer holding my hand.

"Lex can I talk with you?" She asks as we start walking towards the doors together.

"Uh yeah sure what about?" I say confused even though I know what it's about. She saw me holding Aprils hand.

"April. What's going on between you two?" I look at her as my fave flushes and I pull her off the sidewalk behind a wall.

"I don't know. I really need to tell someone!" I say smiling. "I-I-I think we're dating!"

"Omg that's so amazing! Im so happy for you. I didn't know you were... you know."

"I didn't either but she just brought something out in me. I really like her Mer." I say grinning from ear to ear.

"Aw I'm so happy for you Lex!" She says hugging me. We stop hugging and start walking into the hospital.

"You can't tell anyone Mer! Promise me!" I say putting my pinky out. She links them and smiles.

"I promise." She laughs. "You know I kinda guessed."

"What!" I say in a panic.

"When I came into the bathroom last night I could tell there was someone in there with you and I heard you scream her name." She giggles.

"Omg what? Did anyone else hear?"

"No no don't worry I was the only one in the house when you were hollering." She laughs as we walk through the hospital doors. I catch up with April and smile at her.

"I told Mer." I whisper into her ear. She turns to look at me, panicked, before turning to Mer. "Don't worry she won't tell. I promise hon." I say tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She calms down a little and looks ahead.

Two months later

April and I have been happy. It's been two months and we're still in the honeymoon phase. So far only Mer knows about us but I really wanna go public. I want to be able to kiss my girlfriend in public. I want to go on dates with her on public. I want everyone to know how much I lover her.

We're laying in my bed, me on my back and her on my chest. We talk about the hospital and surgeries we want to preform. I run my fingers through her beautiful auburn locks. Every time I'm with her, I'm truly at peace.

"April I was think, we should tell people about us."

"What!" She says, perking her head up. "That's a terrible idea! I'll get ridiculed by Alex and Jackson and I'll be thought less of by everyone in the hospital!"

"Are you kidding me? Callie and Arizona have been out of years and they're fine. They're happy! Don't you want that?" I say trying to calm her down.

"You don't think we're happy? I'm happy. I'm happy to just lay here with you without the whole world in our relationship."

"Wouldn't it be nice to not be on edge all the time? Our hearts dropping every time we hear someone in the hallway, scared they're going to walk in on us just laying together?" I say, my arms linked around her neck.

"Why isn't this relationship enough for you? I know I'm not Jackson or Mark or Alex or any of the other men you've had but I thought we were good." She says, tears pricking in her eyes.

"We are! We are good!" I say sitting up and facing her. I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and she flinched back. My heart sinks to my stomach as tears start to fall down her cheeks. "April." I say fighting back tears.

"I can't do this right now." She says getting up.

"April please!" I say running off the bed and over to her.  I grab her hand but she doesn't look back. She shakes it from my grip and descends down the stairs. She slams the door on the way out leaving me in shock, standing at the top of the stairs. Tears start running down my face, faster and faster. I stumble over to my bed in shock and sit down.

Our first fight. It was a fight right? We didn't break up right? Right? What if April thought we broke up. We definitely didn't break up. Just as my mind starts racing my door swings open.

"April!" I shout out.

"Meredith." She says walking up the stairs. "Sorry."

I look down at my feet kicking above the floor. I'm wearing April's yellow duck socks from the first time we kissed. I start to cry harder to the point I'm sobbing. I've always been sensitive but I feel like this is dramatic.

Meredith sits next to me and rubs my back. I lay my head on her shoulder as she tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. "What happened Lex?"

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