Nightmarish Daydreams

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Aprils POV

I lay alone in Lexies bed at night, shaking in panic. It's been five days. They've been gone for five days. No one has heard a thing. No one has contacted us other than Boise saying our doctors didn't show up.

I can't help but over think. What happened? The shuttle crashed. They were caught in an active shooter situation. The plane crashed into a lake and all of their body's are laying on the bottom of the lake getting eaten by fish. Every time I close my eyes I see Lexies corpse getting nibbled on my little beta fish.

My phone rings, shaking me out of my nightmarish daydreams. It's the hospital. The fact that they would call this late is confusing. It's 2 AM and I'm not on call, meaning they're calling for another reason.

"Dr. Kepner, Chief Hunt is requesting you down to the hospital." A nurse says over the phone.

"I'll be right there." I say hanging up before you get a response. I jump out of Lexies bed and rush to my room to find something to put on. I'm currently wearing Lexies shirt and a pair of underwear. The house is dead silent as I walk to my room.

Mer, Derek, and Lexie all gone. Jackson and Alex either at the hospital or asleep in their rooms. I creep go my room, feeling like I'm being watched. The feeling of a ghost in the presence of me right now. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as a cool gust of wind blows past me.

I scurry into my room and rush to my dresser. I pull out a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt. I slide them on and slip on a pair of beat up sneakers. I run down the stairs and grab my keys sitting in a big bowl by the front door. I rush out the door and slide into my car.

I pull out of the driveway and speed to the hospital, hoping no police are near. After 2 1/2 minutes of driving, I pull into the Seattle Grace Mercy West parking lot. I park the car crookedly and rush into the entrance. I shove my keys into my thin pockets, stabbing my leg as they go in. My eyes start to fill with tears as the cool March air hits them as I sprint into the hospital.

I make it to the doors and run to the front desk.

"Chief Hunt!?" I say half questioning, half screaming. The nurse looks petrified at the crazed women yelling at her.

"April?" Hunt questions as I scream at the nurse by accident. I rush over to him.

"W-w-w-what happened?" I ask him, shaking with fear about what he's going to say.

"The plane they were in," he begins as I stare into his face blankly. "Went down." He finishes.

"We-l-l-l did anyone survive?" I ask as my whole body starts to shake as I imagine the worst possible situation. The whole plane hit the ground then burst into flames, cremating everyone on board.

"Everyone is ok." He says reassuring me. My breathing slows, knowing Lexie is safe. "Except Lexie." My mind stops. The thoughts of Lexie awake and alive in Boise. Joking and laughing with Mer. Charming all of the nurses and doctors with her inevitable charm. All disappearing. My hands start to shake as my vision goes shaky. It goes blurry and Owen becomes a blob of colors. Finally it goes completely black.

I wake up to beeping and ticking and something in my arm. I adjust my eyes a little bit to realizing I'm in a patient room. I start to panic as I try to remember what happened. Hunt called me, I rushed down to the hospital, the plane went down, everyone was fine. Everyone was fine. Everyone but Lexie. Tears start to stream down my face as I scream out in pain.

Not normal pain. Deep, painful, agonizing pain. I cry out for Lexie as nurses surround me and tru to tell me to calm down. I fight against them and accidentally punch one in the face. They grab me by the shoulders and restrain me by tying my feet and hands up. This causes me to cry harder and harder. I feel a needle enter my arm with a prick then I'm knocked out.

I wake up hours later to mid day sun rushing through the open window to my left. I turn my head to the right to see Owen sitting in the visiting chairs.

"Hey you up April?" He says standing up and slowly walking over to me. I can tell by his demeanor he's a little scared. Of me I assume. Maybe he's scared I'm gonna break out of the restraints and hit him like I hit that nurse. Oh my gosh. That poor nurse. I really socked her good. I feel so bad.

I try to say something, anything, but it feels like my body won't let me. I'm stuck in this body. I stare at Owen blankly, no expression drawn on my face.

"Apes you ok?" He says putting his hand on my cheek. I turn my head the other way and look out the window. A soft tear starts to roll down my cheek as I remember everything I was told last night. Lexie is probably sitting in a body bag right now. Tossed around in a plane, not honoring the life and the talent of Lexie Grey. Tossing her around like she's nothing but a corpse. But, I guess that's what she is now. Just a corpse.

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