Will you ever love me again?

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"If I knew you were sleeping over I would have let you sleep in the bed or something." I tell April as she stands next to my bed, holding my hand.

"I'm not going to cuddle up with my ex girlfriend. That's a little weird." April laughs.

"You're holding your ex girlfriends hand." I point out. She smiles and blushes.

"Do you want me to stop?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"I guess not." I joke trying to act uninterested. I smile with her and feel my face flush. The dim room gets interrupted by the hallway light as Derek swings the door open. He walks over to my bed side flipping through my chart.

"Oh. Hi April." He says, looking at our interlocked hands. Surprisingly, April doesn't slip her hand away. She just smiles at Derek and squeezes it a little. "So you seem fine. Your vitals are great, you're awake and talking. You're ready to go home. I'll grab your discharge papers." Derek says leaving the room as fast as he came in.

"Don't worry I don't think he thought anything of us holding hands." I say reassuring April.

"I don't care. If I was dating you I would want the whole world to know." What? What the fuck? What the actual fuck!

"Are you kidding me?" I ask her with a shocked expression painted across my face.

"What?" She giggles.

"You don't care if everyone knows your gay?"

"I want everyone to know how much I love Lexie Grey." I try and sit myself up with one hand and look at her with a blank stare.

"You still love me?" I laugh. "Even after I slept with your best friend?"

"Yeah don't remind me." She says with a slight laugh. "And Jackson isn't my best friend. You are." She says putting a hand on my check. She leans in and kisses me softly before pulling away. "Will you ever love me again?" April giggles.

"I never stoped." I say pulling her in with one hand. I kiss her back and put a hand on her neck. She moves closer to the bed and puts a hand on my hip. She hoists herself on top of me and straddles me.

"I've missed you so much." She says in between kisses, breathing lightly on top my lips.

"Show me how much you've missed me." I laugh. She puts both of her hands behind my neck and I put my right hand on her waist. She takes her hands off and rips her shirt off. She throws it carelessly as I admire her. I run my hand up her stomach and to her chest in awe. I've missed her and her body.

I reach behind her back and unhook her bra, letting it fall between us. She throws is somewhere in the room and leans in to start kissing me again. She reaches behind me and unties my hospital gown. Fuck i forgot I was wearing a fucking hospital gown.

"I probably look so bad in this gown. Sorry." I say laughing awkwardly. She looks at me and cocks her head.

"You look gorgeous no matter what your wearing." I blush as she puts a hand on my check and rubs it. She then reaches back down the buttons on the gown and finishes untying me. She lifts the gown over my head and orange cast and gently tosses it next to the bed. I'm only wearing underwear because they removed my bra for the MRI. I wonder who saw my boobs?

She places both hands on my face and kisses me forcefully. I place my one working hand on her hips as she sways into my kisses. We're soon interrupted by the dusky room once again ruined by the hallway light. Derek swings the door open as usual, carrying the discharge papers.

"Oh my god!" Derek says covers his eyes. "I'll come back." He says laughing as he leaves. April quickly gets off me and searches for her clothes. I reach down and slide my patient gown back on.

April slides her shirt back on and looks over at me to make sure I'm covered. She turns back to the door and opens it.

"You can uh come in." She says to Derek who I assume is waiting outside the door. She steps back from the door and he walks in. April stands at my bedside as Derek walks over to the other side.

"So um here are the discharge papers. Uh just sign here and her and uh."

"Yeah I know." I say laughing.

"Sorry I just didn't know you two were." Derek say's stuttering. "You know, together."

"Yeah were together!" April beams as she grabs my hand. I smile at her and my checks flush with red. Im so happy to hold her hand again.

"So I'll just leave these here and you can give them to the nurse at the nurses station." Derek says handing me the papers and leaving.

"Oh my gosh he was so red." April says, still holding my hand. Her smile brings butterflies to my stomach to the point of nausea. I squeeze her hand and smile back at her. She leans in and kisses me while putting her other hand on my neck. She climbs into bed with me and lays her leg across my body.

My body is on fire by her touch. I feel electrified under her body. I take my hand and rub her body from back to ass. I've missed her more than anything. She moves to my neck and starts softly sucking. I want her to give me a hickey. Mark me as hers.

"April I need to get dressed." I say in between moans. I move my hand up to her hair as my toes curl with pleasure.

"You want me to stop?" April says as she begin to untie my patient gown again. I shutter from her touch.

"No no never please never stop."

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