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The alarm clock blares to wake us up at 4 A.M. We have to be early for pre-round if we want to get any good cases. I jump out of bed and try to shake April awake. She flips over and groans.

"April, c'mon. We have work." I say, giggling at her sleepy face.

"Ughhh." She says rolling back over. "I don't want to." She pulls the covers up to her chin and smiles at you.

"I know something that will wake you up." She smirks and throws the blanket down by her feet. She reaches her arms out and I lay on top of her and start kissing her. I move down to her neck and gently suck on it, leaving a bruised spot. I move over to her sweet spot and she moans as I find it.

I slide her t shirt off and start gently sucking on her right breast as I play with the left. She moans as she grabs onto my hair. I travel farther down and start sucking on her lower stomach. I leave another hickey then I pull her pants down to her ankles.

I dive head first into her drenched pussy. I start licking her entrance as I bring my left hand to grip her thigh and my right to softly rub her clit. She starts moaning harder. Her feet start kicking and her hands tightly grasp the sheets.

"UGHHH FUCK LEX UGHHH!" She starts screaming, alerting me her climax is coming soon. I start rubbing her clit faster and faster as she puts her legs around my neck, shoving my face against her pussy. I start shoving my tongue inside of her as her legs start shaking, ferociously. "IM GONNA CUM OH FUCK UGHHH!" She releases into my mouth and I lick it all up.

I clean her up with my tongue and start sucking on her inner thigh. I leave tiny marks before I get off the bed and move over to my dresser. I pick out a purple blouse and some dark wash skinny jeans. I look over at her as I get dressed and she looks at me in awe. I smirk and finish getting dressed. I walk up to her and kiss her on her forehead.

"Time for work." I whisper into her ear as I start walking down the stairs. I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Alex is already in there, showering, and Jackson is brushing his teeth.

"Lex, what was all that noise coming from you're room this morning?" Jackson asks as he spits out the toothpaste in his mouth. My fave flushes red.

"Oh I uh had a guy over." I lie to cover the truth.

"He screams like a girl!" Alex yells from the shower.

"You're just bitter shes fucking someone other than you!" Jackson yells back. I giggle as April walks in to brush her teeth too. I stand next to her as she wets her brush and I spit my toothpaste into the sink. "Damn April what's that?" Jackson says going up to her neck and touching the hickey I left there. "Is that a hickey!" He starts laughing.

"Omg the virgin has a hickey!" Alex says poking his head out of the shower.

"No it's nothing I just burned it on the curling iron." She says smirking at me, her whole face bright red.

"Sureeee. So who's the guy?" Jackson asks, persisting.

"Why you jealous?" Alex calls out.

"Shut up Karev! I just wanna know." He smiles.

"I told you it's the curling iron." She says, grimacing at me. I spit my toothpaste out, wash my brush off, and head downstairs. April and Jackson follow behind me.

"Curling iron, sure. Maybe it's the same guy you were screwing this morning." He says looking at me.

"Oh what guy were you with this morning?" April asks smugly.

"Just some guy I met at Joe's" I say as I quicken my pace down the stairs. I crash into the kitchen to see Meredith and Derek making out on the island.

"Oh my gosh!" April squeals, covering her eyes innocently.

"Get a room." I scoff as I fill my thermos up with coffee. "Mer can I catch a ride from you?"

"Yeah me too." April says.

"Sure sure we're leaving in 5. If Alex is coming tell him to hurry his ass up." She says, brushing her shirt off. I hand Derek the coffee pot and grab my purse.

We all file into Meredith car. Mer and Derek are in the front, Jackson and Alex are in the middle, and April and I are in the very back. I put my hand out to touch hers which is laying next to her. I smile at her and slowly sip my coffee. I hold her hand until I look in the windshield mirror and see Meredith's eyes staring at me. She raises an eyebrow and I let go of April's hand. Is move back to my side of the seats and Meredith looks away.


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