I need Lexie

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"ITS BEEN THREE WEEKS AND SHE HASNT SAID A WORD! THIS IS PHYCH! SHE DOESNT BELONG ON THIS FLOOR!" Some therapist screams at Owen, talking about me of course.

"SHES FINE! SHE DOES NOT BELONG IN PHYCH!" Owen fights to defend my honor. He's trying his best. Cristina isn't talking either, Mark is on his death bed, Arizona lost her leg, Derek will probably never preform surgery again, and Lexie is dead. I haven't talked since I found out Lexie died.

I can't bare to live without her. Owen has been prying me. Just go talk to him. Luckily the restraints were taken off. I'm no longer seen as a threat. To everyone but the nurse I socked. If I just say something, anything, I'll be fine. Just one word. I need to get one word out. I need to. I need to leave this hospital bed right now.

"Lexie," I squeak out, my voice hoarse from not talking in weeks. Owen turns faster than anything I've ever seen. He runs into my room with the therapist guy behind him.

"Did you just talk!" He says with his huge teethy smile drawn across his face.

"I need Lexie."

A/N: Unless I can think of anything else to write, this will probably be the end of this story. I like how it turned out but I might wanna add more about April coping but for now, it's finished.

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