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TW: Throwing up

I wake up at 5 A.M to the house in commotion. Everyone is getting ready for work. Everyone but me and April, who are cuddle up under her many blankets. When I woke up my position had changed so now I am facing her, still tangled in each others arms. I don't want to leave this spot but I know I have to call us both out. I try and reach her phone on her bedside table without waking her up but to do so, i have to take my hand off her back. She wakes up, not by the loud noises coming from the hallway, but from me moving me hand.

"What are you doing? Don't get out of bed." She says in a whiny tone, holding tightly onto my shirt.

"I'm just grabbing your phone to call us out of work." She nods her head and lays back down. I start dialing the hospital, trying to think of a good reason for both of us to be out of work.

"Hello Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, how may I assist you?"

"Yes um I need to call Dr. Lexie Grey and Dr. April Kepner out of work today. We both caught the flu and won't be able to make it in today."

"Yes of course. Get well soon." The nurse on the other line says before hanging up. I place the phone back on the table and cuddle back into April. The second I do she shoots up and runs out the door. I hear her run down the hallway and crashes into the bathroom. I hear retching echoing through the hallway before I feel the same urge. My mouth fills with saliva and I follow April.

I just through the door and see April laying against the wall, sweat dripping from her hairline. I make a beeline to the toilet as she watches me. I really don't wanna throw up in front of her but we're both so hungover, we can't help it.

After rounds of taking turns throwing up we are both exhausted. I lean up against the bathroom wall and she sits down next to me.

"Shepherd's probably pissed we're not in work." April says as she nuzzles her head into me.

"Yeah. Ryan probably misses us too."

"Yeah you specifically." April says giggling.

"What do you mean?" I say, confused.

"Oh c'mon. No way you haven't noticed. Ryan couldn't keep his eyes off you when he first met him. He's got a little thing for you."

"You're crazy." I say, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her into me. "Even if he was, I don't want him. I've got everything I need right here." She cuddles her head closer to me and we both feel our eyes start to get heavy. We fall asleep on the bathroom floor, holding each other.

I'm awaken suddenly by Derek barging in the door.

"Oh shit hey what are you guys doing in here?" He asks the two girls cuddling in the corner.

"We were both extremely hungover and we needed the day off. We've been throwing up all morning and I guess we fell asleep." I say adjust to the bathroom light.

"Well I see my plan worked." He says smirking at us.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"I put you two on the Ryan case together so you would get closer. I feel like your hatred for each other was unnecessary and counterproductive." He says grinning as he goes to wash his hands.

"Oh." I say looking down at April still sleeping in my arms. "Well what are you doing home anyway? Isn't it the middle of the work day?"

"Lexie, it's 6:00 P.M. I'm surprised you guys slept so long." He says chuckling as he leaves the bathroom. Shit we have been sleeping a while. I turn to April and slowly shake her awake.

"April honey, it's 6 P.M. We've been asleep for hours." She groans and try's to shield her eyes from the light by tucking her head in my breast. I stand up, trying to hoist her up as she whines.

"No it's so comfortable down here." She says as she try's to pull me back up.

"C'mon April we gotta go be functioning members of society." I pull her up and wraps her hands around my neck. I rub her back as she tucks her head into the crook of my neck.

"I know I know." I say stroking her hair. "I feel kinda grimy after coating my insides In tequila then throwing it all up. I'm gonna get in the shower honey." I say trying to get her arms off my neck. I take my shirt off and slide my underwear down. I reach into the shower and hear the hot water pelt the tub.

"I need a shower too." A newly awake April says as she takes her clothes off too. It's like she's awaken by my naked body. She goes in for the kiss and pins me up against the door. She goes down to my neck and shoulders, searching for my sweet spot. She finds it instantly, like she's a professional. I moan into her ear as I tightly grasp her hair as I feel my pussy get drenched. She pulls me off the door and into the shower.

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