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"No no no! I am not gay. Definitely not. I'm with Alex are you crazy?" I scream, jumping off the bed in defense.

"Im not saying you're gay I'm just saying you sound a lot like me when I was falling for Hahn."

"No no I-I-I can't be- no you're crazy." I say, brushing her off and rushing out the door. As soon as I swing the door open and try and rush into the hallway, I'm stoped suddenly by someone walking by. If the smell of lemons wasn't hint enough, the flash of copper hair flying past my eyes definitely was. I bump into her, hard, sending her charts to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, here let me help you." I start, apologizing profusely.

"It's ok Lex, don't worry." We both get on our knees, picking up the papers and clip boards that a sprawled across the hospital floor. I reach for a blue Seattle Grace Mercy West pen at the same time as April. My hand lands on hers and I feel her tiny fingers and light blue nails. I turn to her and she flashes me a soft smile as her face burns red. I quickly jump up, place the papers I collected on the floor next to her, and dart.

I run at full speed down the hallway to escape April and just process all of this. I stop at a nurses station and lean against it, catching my breath. Just then Alex comes over and hands the nurse a chart.

"Here, don't lose it again idiot." He says, shoving the chart into the nurses hand. "Hey Lexapedia, I got this case I'm working on and could use your brain. So what do yo-"

"Shut up!" I shout, loud enough for all the nurses to turn their heads.

"Excuse me?"

"You're an asshole who only uses me for my brain. You're awful to patients, you're awful to nurses, you're a dick to your friends. I don't even know how you got into this program cause you're a fucking idiot. We're over. Go back to the wife who left you. You seem to be missing her a lot lately!" I scream as I shove him into the counter and storm off. By now tears are welling in my eyes. I'm a very emotional person and it really is a downfall.

I decide to go to the pit cause I could use a hood trauma. Once I get in there Hunt tells me to go wait for the ambulance coming in with a serious patient. I stand outside in the Seattle winter rain and shiver under every drop. Suddenly I feel warmth around me and I turn my head. I see a familiar ginger draping a blanket over my shoulders. I smile at her and wait for the ambulance.

We hear the sirens and my blood pumps. I love a good trauma. The ambulance stops and a man who is impaled by two metal rods is rolled out.

"Oh my gosh!" April says in shock. "How is he still alive?"

We roll him into the ER and into trauma 1. After 10 minutes of trying to save him in the er, we decide he needs surgery. Hunt yells out for Alex to scrub in with him , who is doing sutures on patients. He agrees immediately and April and I are brushed off.

"Well since we got time, wanna continue working on Shepherd's mystery?" I ask her.

"Of course, but not in the library. I want to stay awake this time." She says giggling. We walk out of the pit and to a sitting area where we begin working on the project.

After a few minutes of reading, we prop our heads together, both quite tired. Callie walks by us and gives me a smirk which normally would make me get up and run but instead i stay. We're both so comfortable, why move? We sit there for hours, not being disturbed, no pages, just us and research.

"You know you're really tense." April says to me after only talking about brains for the past hours. "You could use a drink. Our shift ended 20 minutes ago. Wanna go get changed and head over to joes?"

"Of course." I say getting up and putting a hand out to life her. I look at her and realize the pen we both touched earlier was wedged between her ear and her head. She's never once had a pen in her ear but I like it. It keeps her hair from covering her beautiful face.

We enter the residency lounge and it's a ghost town. Everyone has gone home and it's clean for once. We both get dressed and I try and take a look as she takes off her shirt. I feel my stomach flip as I see her beautiful breast, laying perfectly in her bra. I quickly look away before she notices and finish getting dressed. Once she's done we grab our bags and head for the door.

We enter Joes and we grab a table towards the back.

"I can use a drink. Bad." I say. "I've had a shit day and I'm gonna shoot tequila." I say just before Joe brings over shots and limes.

After one hour we're down 5 shots each and falling out of our seats. Luckily we both live together and right near the bar so we won't need a cab. We decide to call it a night and pay the bill. We walk up the stairs to the street and see that's it's down pouring. It's so cold outside I'm surprised the rain isn't turning into snow.

We stop at the sidewalk and look at each other. The street light is hitting her so perfectly that it shows a sparkle in her eye. I can't help myself. I need to know how she tastes. I lean in and softly kiss her beautiful pink lips. She tastes of tequila and limes. Not surprising. I go in for another kiss and she reciprocates it. She places her hands on the back of my head and holds me tightly to her face. I place my hands on her hips and dive my mouth into hers.

We softly make out for 10 minutes before we're both drenched in rain and shivering. I part our lips and look at her.

"We should start walking home." I say without acknowledging the kissing that just went down.

"Yeah it's cold out here." She says in agreement.

Your lips my lips, Apocalypse (Lapril)Where stories live. Discover now