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my birthday is 3/25
& ayato's is 3/26......
i may or may not
show him a bit of
favoritism now lmao

Getting to know the Kamisato siblings over dinner was definitely a nice change in pace from what y/n was used to when she would find herself in new lands trying to make trade deals and whatnot for Mondstadt.

She actually kind of liked the easygoing atmosphere that the siblings and Thoma created. It made her feel like this wasn't just some business meeting and Inazuma would be showing their demands down Mondstadt's throat the moment that dinner would end.

She could get used to it honestly.

And, of course, her ease and comfort didn't go unnoticed by the older brother. The light smile flitting across his well-sculpted lips could only twitch into a small smirk before reverting back into that same comforting smile. In no way, shape, or form did he want to impose on her. On y/n.

He knew how everyone worked when it came to trade deals or contracts. They always hurried to get the business over and done with while showing no concern for the other party who had to travel far just to make and mediate demands. Ayato Kamisato had to deal with a lot of them after all.

"That was amazing," y/n exclaimed, clapping her hands together as she savored the taste of the exquisite food in her mouth. Mondstadt had some good recipes, but Inazuma was on a whole another level of cooking!

Ayato couldn't stop himself from marveling at the content expression on Y/n's face. His eyes carefully mapping out her features, memorizing all her pretty details, and even noting of a few faded scars that were marked on her. He wondered where she got them from and how long ago it was, but ... he figured that she would tell him in due time.

She was going to be staying after all.

"I'm glad the food was to your liking, y/n. I was actually the one to pick out the dishes that would be served, but, truth be told, I wasn't sure if you would like it."

"Are you kidding?! The food was amazing! I swear, you guys in Inazuma really know how to cook some good food!"

And I'll definitely have to bring some recipes back for my friends in Liyue.

Ayato gave her a soft smile which caused her heart to skip a beat and her brain to turn to mush for a split second. Honestly, she didn't think someone could be as pretty as Diluc...

"U- uhh, sorry I mean- I guess I was a bit over-enthusiastic there. In a more polite way of putting it ... thank you for the delicious meal."

She sheepishly laughed as she scratched the back of her head. Ayaka was forced to look away as she was trying to hide her smile, whilst hoping a laugh didn't escape her lips.

"You're too kind y/n, and please. Don't worry about such formalities while staying here. It makes me happy to see that someone that we want to form relations with is in such good spirits. Even if it is something as simple as enjoying Inazuma dishes."

Thoma clapped his hands together to gain everyone's attention.

"Sorry to burst in here, but dessert is finally ready!"


The Kamisato siblings along with Thoma could practically see the stars in her eyes by this point. And Ayato couldn't have been happier.

STUCK WITH YOU, ayato kamisatoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن