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a/n ;; this chapter is dedicated to my intrusive thoughts winning.

"A- Ayato?"

"Shh," his voice was gentle as he shushed her. One of his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close while his other free hand cupped her cheek.

Bending his head down, he captured her lips. His movements slow and sensual as he got her to loosen up. Her form relaxing in his hold as he hummed in approval. His teeth finally starting to gently nibble her lip, silently asking her to open her mouth to which she obliged. The moment her lips would slightly part (if only a little) , his tongue would dart past and map put her mouth with a feverish need.

Y/n never would have ever imagined that she would find herself making out with Ayato Kamisato this morning. The two of them sitting on his bed as he held her close.

Earlier, when the sun broke the horizon and she was awake and still a bit drowsy. She felt an immediate hunger in her stomach. However, she had no clue where Thoma was even when she went to knock on his door. And she didn't want to feel like a rude guest and just raid the kitchen, so she went to Ayaka'a room. But low-n-behold, she was nowhere to be heard or seen either.

Ayato was the last resort and so far he has been the most kind to her. The last thing she wanted was to annoy him on a morning where both of them had nothing to do.

He probably wants to rest.

I shouldn't bother him.

I can live without food for one day-

"Y/n? I can hear you pacing out there."

His voice sounded amused when she jumped. Her eyes glancing to his door as she finally stopped pacing.

"I- I'm sorry."

"Dont worry. Please come in and tell me whats wrong."

"Are- are you sure?"

"Yes, im sure."

She could hear the slight laugh in his voice causing her to smile and push his door open and closing it behind her. He was still in bed, reading. She wondered when he had gotten up.

"Now, whats the matter?"

He placed his book down in order to give her his full attention.

"I'm hungry."

She decided to state it plainly and that caught him off guard. It honestly made him break out into laughter as he motioned her closer.

Which was how she found herself sitting on his bed as they both started to have a chat. Neither of them knowing where either Thoma or Ayaka could possibly be. And soon enough, their close proximity started to get noticed real quick by them both. And before she knew it, one thing led to another as Ayato would trap her against himself.

They did get breakfast eventually, but it was safe to say that most of their morning was shared with a heavy makeout session.

STUCK WITH YOU, ayato kamisatoWhere stories live. Discover now