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The next morning came quickly, and y/n felt as light as a feather. It wasn't usual for her to be in such a good mood when coming to a new land to establish trade, and yet here she was giggling and acting like a tourist on a free/paid-for vacation.

Stretching and getting out of bed, she hurried to get ready. Her thoughts immediately lingering on the words Ayato had promised her the night before right after they had dessert and Ayaka excused herself to bed.

"Y/n, I know that we have to discuss business sooner or later, but I would much prefer it if we get to know each other first and take a trip around Inazuma so you can go sightseeing. And before you have any doubts, I think sightseeing will also help you better understand Inazuma which I think would be beneficial for you and Mondstadt once we settle on an agreement between our trades and contracts."

"Hmm, you make a convincing argument, Ayato and you're a good sweet talker too. Don't think I'm not used to being manipulated by greedy men good sir. I can make a pretty convincing argument as well," she said while giving him a wink, "but for now, I'll accept your offer. But only because you don't seem like the greedy lowlife who I usually have the pleasure in dealing with."

"You're too kind," he said with a chuckle whilst giving her a dramatic bow.

"Why, thank you," she happily quipped while bowing in return.

She smiled slightly while remembering the whole conversation. She couldn't place why, but getting along with Ayato was easy. She didn't feel tense around him at all despite him being a handsome young man. Then again, she always had Diluc to go back home too. So, romance was definitely out of the question.

"Ah, Y/n. Glad you could make it."

"I'm always on time, no matter the occasion!"

She trotted over to the elder sibling, who was already patiently waiting for her at the front entrance of the Kamisato Estate.

"First and foremost, I want to treat you to some breakfast, and luckily I know just the place."

"Breakfast? If it's you're trying to bargain me with food, then you're definitely speaking my language."

Ayato couldn't stop his smile, "seems you already caught onto my ploy. How am I to ever regain my ground against you?"

"Well, if you pay for breakfast, then I bet that'll definitely be a good start."

The two went back and forth as they walked.

Ayato was happily sinking into his depravity. His whole body, mind, and soul seeking the comfort of y/n's presence.

Y/n, on the other hand, was happily thinking of breakfast...blissfully unaware as the saying goes.

STUCK WITH YOU, ayato kamisatoWhere stories live. Discover now