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"This place seems way more lively then all the rumors i heard," y/n said a bit too excitedly as her eyes would shift from store to store, person to person, and from trinket to trinket.

"Yes, ever since the traveler helped with our troublesome archon, you could say that everything started to move again. Especially since the vision hunt decree is over and the lands aren't barricaded by lightning storms allowing visitors and such to come here."

Her eyes landed back onto him. Her gaze seemingly to gravitate towards his hydro vision.

"Something on your mind?"

"Well," she started, her hands clapping behind her back as she tried to think of the right words to use, "what were doing doing during the vision hunt decree? I mean, you have a vision as well, so I would imagine that you were doing something."

"I was ..," trying to set up my plan since the traveler's arrival in Inazuma, "working with other Commissions at the time. I'm afraid going against the Archon herself wasn't exactly the first thought that came to my mind. However, I did ask my sister to assist the traveler."

"You Commissioners sure have it rough. It makes my job look easier."

"I wouldn't say that," Ayato digressed, "all jobs can look and be difficult to someone who has never done it before. For instance...," Ayato's eyes landed on a tailor who was looking at different and expensive fabrics, "being a tailor would certainly be difficult. You would have to find the right fabrics, learn how to make clothes of course, and make sure that you are implementing everything the client has asked for. Anyone just watching would think the job was hard, but for the tailor? The job is probably second nature to them."

Y/n nodded, "I see, that makes more sense when you put it that way," she answered, a grin soon forming on her lips as she came to walk backwards in front of him, "so, how about me and my job?"

Ayato gazed at her, he was both amused and worried. Amused and joyful because her attention was only on him and worried because he didn't want her to walk into someone or something.

"The answer is quite simple and it falls under the same thing as with the tailor. Your job is difficult. Sure, people may not think so at first, but you have to deal with a lot and make sure everything runs smoothly for your nation. To be honest, the amount of power you have scares me. With one simple agreement or disagreement you can either make or break Mondstadt or any other region your dealing with."

Y/n gave a soft smile as she came to a stop, Ayato falling her halting movements instantly, "yeah..., and there's that ... other thing.."

"Other thing?"

"You see, Ayato. I-"

"Excuse me, miss! Look out!"

"H- huh?"

Ayato grabbed her arm quickly. His hand wrapping around her wrist as he pulled her close. Her feet tripping up a bit at the sudden motion as she landed into his embrace. A second later a cart's wheel had broken completely causing the boxes it was carrying to topple right in the place that she was just standing.

Y/n sweatdropped before looking up at Ayato with a wry smile, "t- thanks for the save."

He was warm. The feeling of how close he was caused her face to heat up. But she tried her best at pushing her embarrassment way down within herself.

"I guess you owe me one now, don't you?"

"You bet!"

STUCK WITH YOU, ayato kamisatoWhere stories live. Discover now