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Y/n probably saw Ayaka for a few minutes at the festival before she was whisked away by the traveler and Paimon. The two going to who knows where. She didn't have time to think too much of it though as she, herself, was taken away by her own escort, Ayato.

His grip was gentle as he held her hand. And she couldn't help but to give a few side glances here and there. He was dressed in completely different attire than his usual, and she had to admit that he looked good.

"What do you want to try first?"

He led her through the crowd as he looked down at her. Her eyes hurriedly looking away from him as if she didn't just get caught checking him out.

"U- umm, how about we get a snack first and then check out the games?"

He couldn't hide his smirk when he had undoubtedly caught her looking him and up and down, and quickly smoothed his cruel smile into a more genuine one.

"Whatever you wish, y/n."

The night went by smoothly for the two of them. They ate snacks and tried new things, played a few games too which y/n found out that she was quite terrible at them. Ayato, of course, would always reassure her that the games were just rigged.

And as the night waned on, he noticed that she was starting to get tired. The two were walking quite a lot after all.

"How about we take a break and get some fresh air?"

She waved her hands in front of her, "w- what?! No way! I swear I'm fine!"

He gave a soft chuckle and led her by the hand away from all the crowds anyway. He managed to bring her to a secluded bridge in Inazuma City where no one was around. The laughter and bright lights could still be heard and seen in the distance however.


"Sorry, you just looked exhausted. I wanted to give you some time to catch your breath is all."

He watched as she gave him a soft smile, "thank you..."

"So, how do you feel?"

She knew he was asking about Diluc.

"I feel .. better. Better than yesterday, better than a week ago."

"Does it still hurt?"

"A little."

Her smile held sadness within it.

"Do you want me to make you feel better?"

"... Diluc always made me feel better, do you think you can do better?"

Now she sounded a bit bitter as if she was trying to understand why Diluc would ever send such a letter.

And that was problem, Ayato thought, Diluc isn't the type to send such a thing. Which was why I had to take matters into my own hands.

"I know I can."

She turned to look up at him as if to argue, but was immediately cut off.

A gloved hand had cupped her cheek, cradling her gently as her head was tilted back and a soft pair of lips lightly pressed against her own.

His other hand had went to her hip, tugging her closer until their bodies were flush against one another. Her hands had shot up to grip at the front of his clothing.

She had to admit that his lips felt nice. The way he was warm was endearing too.

It wasn't until he had pulled away and pressed his forehead against her that she already missed the feeling of his lips, "well? Do you feel better?"

She felt her lips tremble, she wanted more.

"I don't know, I think .. I think you'll need to kiss me again for me to be sure."

He smirked, "if that's what you wish, y/n. Then I'll be happy to oblige."

STUCK WITH YOU, ayato kamisatoWhere stories live. Discover now