Charlotte The Harlot

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Dave climbed aboard the bus to Hackney just as Paul and Lily exited the pub, grateful he didn't need to face either of them again tonight. His heart had been in his mouth when Paul accused him of being a fairy, but thankfully, Steve hadn't taken the accusation seriously. Fortunately for him, Steve also preferred to keep his private life private – even if he had succumbed to Lily's dubious charms – and knew full well that Dave disliked Lily for his own reasons and so assumed it was merely her that he objected to and not birds in general.

He turned towards the garage where Urchin rehearsed as he'd planned with Ade ahead of time, even though his boyfriend wasn't sure he'd make it back that night, and let himself in. Then he headed straight for the loo, dropping his trousers and scrubbing fiercely at himself, trying to get Lily's scent off of him. After that, he changed into the jogging bottoms he kept there for nights he and Ade managed to stay there together and picked up the old Strat he left there for when he still jammed with Urchin now and again, trying to lose himself in music. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted Ade to come back tonight or not; on the one hand, he really wanted to feel his boyfriend's arms around him after that slag had crawled all over him, but on the other hand, he felt horrible about what had happened and wasn't sure he could forgive himself, forget asking Ade's forgiveness.

He continued to strum his guitar, lost in thought. He had wanted his first time to be with Ade, but he'd been nervous about asking his boyfriend to take the next step in their physical relationship. And now, thanks to that whore, and Paul's willingness to help her get what she wanted, Ade wouldn't be his first. After a while, he started jotting down some of the chords as he played and then some lyrics as well, pouring his feelings into the music. He never noticed the tears leaking slowly from his eyes as he alternately played and wrote. He also didn't notice Ade and Barry arriving and unloading the van of Urchin's gear into the rehearsal area on the other side of the shelving units.

That Dave didn't stop playing, let alone come out and greet them, told Ade that something was wrong, so he turned down Barry's invitation to a lock-in at the pub his cousin worked at. He managed to give a convincing yawn as he walked Barry back out and waved as the drummer climbed into the back seat of Alan's little car, the front passenger seat already being occupied by their new guitarist Andy. Once the trio pulled away, he headed back into the garage and quietly slid his arms around his boyfriend.

"What is it, baby?" Ade asked softly, gently brushing the tears from Dave's face.

"I... you're gonna hate me," Dave choked out, even as he leaned into his boyfriend's embrace.

"No I'm not," Ade said firmly, lifting Dave's Strat and setting it down gently on the card table before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. "Now tell me what happened that's made you think I could possibly hate you?"

"Lily happened," Dave said with a sigh. "Her and Paul. I... you know I've talked about what a slag she is, yeah? How she started coming 'round with Paul once Steve hired him, and how she's made it her goal to shag everyone in the band?"

"Yeah, you've whinged about her enough," Ade said. "I think Miss Grabby-Hands was about the politest thing you've called her."

Dave smiled sadly. "Yeah. Well, she was there again tonight, trying to cozy up to me. I'd had a few pints, but I hadn't eaten before the show, so they hit me hard and fast. Paul brought me down to the rehearsal room, telling me to sleep it off. And I did go right to sleep, thinking I was alone, cos you've seen how we need keys to get in there. Only Paul let Lily in once I was sleeping. Next thing I know, I'm waking up to that slag trying to stick her tongue down my throat while she fucked me." He hung his head, cheeks burning with shame, and mumbled, "Worst part is, I really wanted you to be my first, and she took that away from us."

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