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Within the shower block, Ade clung to Dave for a few minutes as tears poured down his face. Dave held him close and stroked his hair while murmuring reassurances. Knowing they didn't have much time, though, Dave prompted Ade to start his shower, so Ade mechanically stripped and washed up, then dressed in his street clothes. Dave also showered and dressed quickly, so that they were both done by the time Jan cautiously poked his head into the shower block.

"Rod's arranged for a car for you two," he called softly. "It'll be here in a few minutes. It'll take you back to the hotel and wait for you to pack what you need, Ade, then take you to the airport. He's checking flights for you now."

Ade looked up and gave Jan a tight little smile. "Thanks, mate," he said softly. "I s'pose we should get moving, then. Don't wanna miss whatever flight's still available tonight." He started for the door, followed by Dave.

Jan smiled back and gave Ade a quick one-armed hug. "We'll all be thinking of you and your family," he said softly. "Davey and I will hold down the fort until you're up to coming back to us."

"I know you will, Jan, and I appreciate it," Ade said. He made his way through the dressing room, where Nicko and Bruce both hugged him lightly, offering their condolences and Steve clasped his hand warmly while doing the same.

Rod hurried up and handed Ade a computer printout with a flight confirmation number on it. "If this had to happen, we're in the best possible place to get you back to England quickly," he said. "Not like when we needed to get Dave to Hawaii in a hurry from Brisbane. I booked you a seat on the last flight out tonight, to give you as much time as possible to get back to the hotel and then to the airport. Take as long as you need to, Adrian. You've got our itinerary, so just call and leave a message as to when you'll be back and fly right to wherever that might be. I'll make sure you're met at the airport." He reached out and clasped Ade's hand. "And once again, I am so, so sorry."

"Thanks," Ade said. "I appreciate it." He took the confirmation printout, then walked out the back door of the venue with Dave hurrying behind him.

The car pulled up beside the bus and the two men clambered in for the ride to the hotel. Once there, Dave led the way to Ade's room, where he took charge of packing up Ade's toiletry kit and the clothes he'd need for several days. "I think that's everything," Dave said softly. "Got your passport and wallet and all?"

Ade nodded. "Yeah, I do," he said, pulling both from his pocket to show Dave before replacing them again. "I'll have to buy a suit when I get to England, though, since I obviously can't run home to Montreal to collect mine. And whilst I'm gonna call Nathalie from the airport to let her know what happened and all, I can't count on her being able to fly out in time for the funeral. I mean, if it was just her, I know she'd come, but I don't know if she'd be able to arrange for someone to care for the kids for however long she'd be gone."

"You probably could use a new one by now anyway," Dave said. "How long has it been since either of us even wore a bloody suit? I don't think I've worn one since your wedding and that was nearly twelve years ago. I'd likely not fit into the trousers anymore, with the weight I put on since I quit smoking."

Ade smiled a little. "I s'pose I could always see if Julie Smith is still at her old number," he joked weakly. "She and Monica Murray did good helping us pick out suits for Harry's wedding to Lorraine."

Dave pulled Ade into his arms, holding him tightly. "I wish I could go with you," he murmured. "I wish you didn't have to make this flight alone. But know I'm with you in spirit."

"I know," Ade said. "I know what I said earlier, but... don't come to the airport with me, baby. I don't wanna leave you, but since I have to, I don't want a bloody awkward handshake in a crowded air terminal to be the last sight I have of you for a bit, yeah? I wanna remember being in your arms and knowing that you'd be there if you could."

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