Total Eclipse

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After a long ride to Sydney and a longer, if much more comfortable than usual, flight to Honolulu, they made their way through Customs and out to the pickup zone. Dan Carlson hired a van to collect them and bring them to the hospital, where he met them in the lobby.

"Tamar's still in the ICU, but they said she's stable now," Dan told his son-in-law. "I hate to tell you this, but the baby..."

"I figured," Dave said with a sigh. "But Tamar's starting to mend, that's what's most important right now."

"Let's get you a visitor's badge," Dan said. "They're only letting family in right now, and only two at a time. Rachel's sitting with her now; you go on up as soon as you're signed in." He guided Dave to the desk and gave him directions to Tamar's room once he got his badge.

Dave made his way to the ICU and tapped lightly on Tamar's door. "Hey," he said softly.

Rachel opened the door. "I'm glad you're here," she said softly. "She hasn't woken up yet – she doesn't know she lost the baby. At least, I don't think she does." Rachel's voice shook as she tried to keep from sobbing.

Dave just reached out and gave Rachel a gentle hug. She clung to him for a long moment, crying, as he stroked her hair. "It'll be okay," he murmured. "Might take some time, but it'll be okay."

"I'm sorry," Rachel sniffled after a little while. "I was just so scared we'd lose her..."

Dave guided her to the chair she'd obviously been using before he arrived. "It's understandable," he soothed. "She's your only child, and this is a terrible thing that's happened."

"Stupid tourists, drinking and driving," Rachel muttered.

"Yeah," Dave agreed. He sat in the room's other chair and tried not to wince at the bruising on his wife's face, the tube down her throat, the casts on both legs, and the IV lines running into both arms. He reached out to take Tamar's hand. "Hey, Tamar, it's me," he said softly. "I came as soon as I could, cos it's a long trip from Australia. So's you know, everyone's here with me, and they're all pulling for you." He carefully lifted her hand and kissed it, then held it to his cheek. "Need you to wake up, so you can start healing proper, yeah? I'm sure you'll have to do therapy and all, yeah? And we'll need to talk, decide if it's okay for me to finish the tour or not – if we decide not, they're gonna need to hire a session guitarist to replace me for the last six weeks. But I'll not go unless you say it's okay."

Rachel blinked at his words and asked, "You'd do that? Why?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Dave countered. "Tamar's my wife. Oh, I won't deny I'd like to finish out the tour myself – the band is how I make my living, after all. I'd rather not risk my place in the band by staying home instead of finishing the tour. But if Tamar wants me about to help, work with her when she gets her therapy and all, I'll do it."

"You surprise me," Rachel said. "We both know you married Tamar because of the baby, and now that's not an issue anymore, I suppose I assumed you'd end the marriage as quickly as possible."

Dave shook his head. "Not unless Tamar wants to end it," he said. "I've always heard one should marry someone who's a friend, and she is that. I realise we'll not be able to try again until she's fully recovered – mentally as well as physically – but I still want a family and I hope she does as well." He blinked as Tamar's hand tightened on his. "Tamar?" He looked back towards his wife's face.

Tamar's eyes fluttered and cracked open, blinking a few times as she squinted against the light.

"Tamar!" Rachel exclaimed, jumping out of her chair to clasp her daughter's other hand. "Oh, thank God!"

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