Aces High

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Dave opened the door to the savoury aroma of roasting chicken and smiled. "Smells great, love," he called, seeing Ade emerging from the kitchenette.

"Mum, Kathy, and Susan all checked out the things in my flat and left again before teatime," Ade said. "So, I thought I'd come back here and get dinner started." He walked over to greet Dave with a kiss.

Dave returned that kiss with interest. "You'll not hear any complaints from me," he said with a smile. "I hope there weren't any squabbles over your things?"

"Nah," Ade shook his head. "Mum decided she wanted the microwave, as she's never had one before and thinks it might be handier to heat up leftovers now it's just her and Da at home. Kathy and Susan each want a wardrobe, and Susan's also taking the toaster whilst Kathy's getting the kettle. Everything else, I'll either keep or send to the charity shop."

"When are they taking the things they want?" Dave asked. "Or are you going to arrange for movers?"

"Well, they took the small appliances with them," Ade said. "Mum said she'll send Da and Patrick for the wardrobes tomorrow morning, as Da planned on taking tomorrow off to do some work 'round the house anyway. So I'll need to be there no later than 10:00 – I warned her I'm not often awake before then, due to the usual tour schedules. But it does mean I'll need to be out of here by 9:00, to make sure I'm not only there before they arrive, but that I've got time to make sure the bed looks as though I've slept in it."

"Yeah, I'll be sure to throw you out of bed here in time for that, then," Dave said. "All I need to do tomorrow is arrange for movers to bring stuff to Mum's and Angie's places, and the last of it to the charity shop. Mum tried to get me to come stay with her once I've emptied the flat, but I told her you were in town doing much the same thing I am, and that I'd stay with you as I don't want to risk getting into it with Da again by staying in the same place as him. Not when we've finally gotten to where we can be in each other's company for a couple of hours and remain civil – I don't wanna push it and she understands that."

"That's good," Ade said. "Both that she understands, and that she isn't pushing for you to stay with her anyway." He slipped his arms around his lover with a soft sound of contentment. "I want you to myself for as long as possible."

"Mm, and I want you to myself for as long as possible as well," Dave murmured with a smile.

"Well, we're both here for the night, at least as far as I know," Ade said. "Dinner's in the oven already and I picked up a six-pack on my way back here, so we're set with beer as well. About the only thing I've not done yet is check the listings for the telly, so I don't know if there's anything good on or not."

"I don't care if there's anything good on or not, as long as you're here with me," Dave said softly.

Ade smiled. "Yeah, me too," he admitted.

They talked about arranging for movers and getting their flats emptied out as they finished their dinner preparations and ate. As they did so, Dave kept giving Ade little teasing touches under the table and leaning over to give little nips and kisses as they did the washing up.

Ade laughed as Dave moved up behind him at the sink, rubbing his groin against his arse. "You certainly like distracting me tonight, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Dave chuckled. "And you love every minute of it." He gathered up Ade's hair and pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck.

"Oh, you are such a tease," Ade murmured. "You can start by getting naked."

"Your tease, love," Dave reminded his boyfriend with a smile, leading Ade into the bedroom. He paused to drop a cassette into their battered old stereo and hit play. The haunting strains of Kashmir by Led Zeppelin rang out softly and the blond guitarist swayed to the rhythm as he slowly tugged his t-shirt over his head. Tossing the shirt to one side, he suggestively ran his hands down his own torso as he shook his long hair back.

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