The Clairvoyant

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When they arrived at the hotel and checked in, the desk clerk handed Dave a note. He opened it to read, Nathalie wanted to spend a full week visiting, as Jason's possibly getting written out of his show. I've no idea what might happen if he does, but I guess Donna's been worrying. Anyway, I got here a couple days ago, call me in room 415. He pocketed the note and smiled.

"Harry, how long before we have to leave for the venue?" he asked.

"Couple hours, why?" Steve asked.

"Ade's here and I figured I could call or even pop over to his room to set up plans for later," Dave said. "He and Nathalie are down for a longer visit than they'd originally planned, as Nathalie's friend's husband might be losing his job soon, so Nathalie's trying to be supportive. Dunno if she'll wanna come out with us or if she'd rather sleep or what."

"Yeah, we got time," Steve said. "Be back down here by 16:00 for us to leave. And, uh, if he's willing to chance seeing me, you can ask Rod for backstage passes for him or for both of them if Nathalie's also coming to the show. I'm sure Bruce and Nicko would like to say hello."

"I'll ask, see what he wants to do," Dave said. He collected his key and headed for the lifts, dropping his things in his room before heading up to knock on Ade's door.

Ade looked up from the fishing magazine in his hands when he heard the tap on the door, beaming as he opened it to see Dave. "Good to see you, Davey," he said warmly.

"Good to see you, too, Ade," Dave replied, his smile lighting his face as he stepped into the room.

Ade shut the door and flipped the security latch. Then he reached out and pulled Dave into his arms.

Dave wrapped his own arms around Ade, holding him close and kissing him deeply. But after a moment, he broke that kiss with a soft sigh. "Dunno if this is such a good idea when I've gotta be back downstairs in just about two hours," he admitted. "You feel good, though."

"So do you, but yeah, you won't be at your best onstage if we fuck now," Ade agreed. "Not to mention, I won't wanna let you out of my arms after." He blushed and added, "Cos you know that's always what I've liked best, right? The sex is great, but holding you after is even better."

Blushing, Dave nodded. "Yeah. Holding you, being held by you, that's the best part." He lifted a hand to teasingly run his hand over the short beard Ade still wore. "This looks good on you, love."

"Nathalie's torn on it," Ade laughed. "Dunno if I'll keep it or not. Are you gonna be able to get away from the blokes again tonight?"

"Yeah, I am," Dave said. "Harry knows you're here, actually. Said if you thought you could stand seeing him, I should talk to Rod and get backstage passes for you and for Nathalie if she's coming to the show, cos he figured Bruce and Nicko might like to see you for a bit as well."

Ade looked torn. "I would like to see them," he admitted. "They're good blokes and I did enjoy working with them. But I don't wanna take away from the little time we're gonna have, either."

Dave's expression softened. "I know, love. It's up to you. They'll all understand if I tell 'em you don't wanna meet up with Steve just yet. But honestly, if you do take the backstage pass, it won't take away time from us, y'know? You'd just be backstage with us and maybe even riding back to the hotel with us, instead of coming back here on your own and me finding you after I get here."

"Yeah, that's true," Ade said. "Yeah, ask Rod for a pass for me, then. Just me, Nathalie don't plan on coming to the show, cos she don't wanna risk the babies, y'know? The crowds, the heat, the smoke, all of that."

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