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After Bruce and Emppu let themselves out of the room, Ade turned to Dave with a sigh. "Mind if I shower first? You know I'm less likely to fall back asleep once I've showered. I mean, I think I'm pretty well awake and all, but just in case."

"Yeah, just let me pee before you start the water running," Dave said, carefully swinging his legs out of bed and standing up. He winced and rubbed his temples as he did but had to admit that he felt better than he had a right to, probably thanks to Bruce and Emppu taking care of them the previous night. "Be right back." He shuffled off to the loo and took care of business, giving Ade a small smile as he emerged again. "All yours, love."

"Thanks, baby," Ade said as he levered himself upright, also rubbing his temples. He gave Dave a quick kiss in passing as he made his way into the loo and started the shower running.

Dave sipped more of the ginger ale that Bruce and Emppu had supplied, and cautiously nibbled a couple of thin pretzel sticks as he laid out clothes for the day. He looked up when the shower stopped and Ade, looking alert if still somewhat unwell, emerged with a towel around his waist. "Properly awake now?" he asked.

"As properly awake as anyone ever is whilst this hung over," Ade replied.

"Well, Bruce and Emppu left us plenty of ginger ale, sports drinks, thin pretzel sticks, and some of those peanut butter crackers as well, although I figured those were a little heavier than what I wanted to eat just yet," Dave told him. "Drink something and maybe try to eat a couple of pretzel sticks to at least get the stomach end of things under control, yeah? I expect we can buy some paracetamol in the shop by the hotel dining room."

"Yeah, good thinking," Ade said. He moved towards his suitcase as Dave headed into the shower. He'd just pulled on a pair of jeans when Dave's phone rang. He grabbed it, and on seeing Bruce's number, answered it. "It's Ade, Bruce, Davey's in the shower, what's up?"

"Tasha and your three got into it last night," Bruce said bluntly. "The kids all know you two are a couple, so I'd have to assume their parents either know already or will know by the time breakfast is over. Emppu found out when he stopped off to collect Eeva from Satu and Jukka - I don't know all the details, because he got this from Luna, who told him that there was yelling, and that Tasha even slapped your Dylan. It was dramatic enough that Luna must've asked Milla for a translation because she told Emppu that Tasha yelled that her life was ruined because you two like each other and lied about it. So, yeah, you've been outed."

"Bloody fucking hell," Ade swore. "This... fuck! We didn't want to tell the blokes until the divorces were final, and sure as hell didn't want them finding out through hearsay."

Dave, rubbing his hair with a towel, emerged in time to hear Ade's last sentence. "What's happening?" he asked, looking worried when he realised his phone was in Ade's hands.

"Davey's out of the shower, better tell him what's going on," Ade said, then passed the phone to his partner.

"Dave here," Dave said.

"It's Bruce, Davey," Bruce told him. "You two have been outed to the kids, thanks to Tasha and Ade's three getting into a row in front of all of them last night. Best assume all the blokes will hear it from their kids before breakfast is done."

"Fuck," Dave said. Dropping the phone, he ran back to the loo just in time to hurl up what little he'd consumed before showering.

Ade scooped up the phone. "Sorry about that, Dave's hurling again. I'll take care of him, and we'll hopefully make it down before breakfast is over. Not that I think either of us will want much to eat."

"Yeah, I understand," Bruce told him. "Well, whatever happens, Emppu and I will have your backs."

"Thanks, Bruce," Ade said. "We'll see you in a bit." He closed the phone and set it on the nightstand, then headed into the loo to check on Dave. "Hey, baby... you gonna be all right?" he asked, rubbing his partner's back.

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